am a beginer with this uno r3 thing please can any one help prob one i keep geting no core installed what dose this mean ?
2 trying to program atiny85 chip with a usbtiny not working tryed with the uno r3 no joy they dose any one know of a esy way to do this many thanks
Can you post the full text of the error messages you're getting?
If you have the Uno board selected, you should be good to go - the cores for the Uno are included with the IDE, so that error doesn't make sense.
To program the ATTiny85, you need to install a core that adds support for it. I maintain one such core, (board manager json link for 1.6.4/1.6.5 are in sig - put that URL in as a third party board manager URL in the preferences, and you can install via board manager - for older IDE versions, see GitHub - SpenceKonde/ATTinyCore: Arduino core for ATtiny 1634, 828, x313, x4, x41, x5, x61, x7 and x8 ) List of other third party cores for ATTiny and others: Arduino Playground - ArduinoOnOtherAtmelChips
Also, what IDE version? You should be using 1.6.5 unless you have a good reason.
thank u for geting back to me ve been trying to copy the mesage but cant wont let me do this just says arduno board core not installed ve got the uno r3 all i wanted to do was mave a pov useing atiny85 like it side but no arduno comes up with this beging to wish i had not boughte the atiny 85 chip now still ill fighte on with it please can u tell me if a pov can be made useing the atmeg 328p chip as i have 2 off them many thanks for ur help