Having a problem sending information w/ ethernet

Ok, so I can't quite get the ethernet shield to work right

  xport.print("GET "); 
  if(negI == 1){
  xport.print(tempIn, DEC);
  if(decI == 1){
  xport.println(" HTTP/1.1");
  xport.print("Host: "); 

Everything works fine there, however when I do something like this

  xport.print("GET "); 
  if(negI == 1){
  xport.print(tempIn, DEC);
  if(decI == 1){
  if(negO == 1){
  xport.print(tempOut, DEC);
  if(decI == 1){
  xport.println(" HTTP/1.1");
  xport.print("Host: "); 

It will not go through. I also tried

xport.print("GET "); 
  xport.println(" HTTP/1.1");
  xport.print("Host: "); 

That doesn't work either

I can go into a web browser and type int ../.../arduino.php?temp1=23.9&temp2=38.2 and it will work.

Any ideas why it's not sending it correctly when I add the &?

So it doesn't work, what exactly happens?

"GET /phpinfo.php?temp1=23.9&temp2=38.2 HTTP/1.1\x0d\x0aHost: whatever\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a"
You need two newlines after the Host: HOSTNAME part for the request to work properly, unless you've got further Headers in the request.

Also since the official Arduino Ethernet shield uses a Wiznet module, you should be more clear and specify you're having trouble with an XPort :slight_smile: