Having trouble choosing the appropriate motor shield.

I am working on a project that is involving the use of two DC motors, two Servo-Motors, and two stepper motors. The DC motors will be used to move the platform forward and backward, the servos (A continuous rotation servo) will be used to rotate a receiver IR sensor about 360 degrees for beacon application (this will serve for triangulation) and the stepper motor for left and right turns of the platform.
Please, I need advice on an appropriate motor shield or motor driver that can serve this purpose I desire it serves.

Thanks in anticipation to your professional advice.

The stepper motors require the most complex drivers so I would focus on that first. You have not provided the specifications for the stepper motors so I have no idea what stepper driver might be appropriate. The Pololu A4988 and DRV8825 stepper drivers are commonly used with Arduino projects if the motors only require a max of about 1.5 amps per coil. For more background information have a look at Stepper Motor Basics

The only shields that I am aware of for use with Stepper motor drivers are intended for 3D printers and usually can take 4 drivers - look up RAMPS shield. But those shields are not suitable for a DC motor

Again, you have not given any details of your DC motors. There are many DC motor drivers available, some on shields, some not. The Pololu website also has examples of them.

You don't need any shield for a servo - but the servo (as with any motor) should have its own power supply and not draw power from the Arduino board.


Thanks a lot,
The Servo specifications are
i. Speed--- 0.10sec/60 degrees (at 4.8V)
ii. Torque--- 1.5kg.cm (at 4.8V)
iii. Size--- 21.8 x 11 x 19.8mm
iv. Weight --- 7.8g

I couldn't get the DC motor Specification but it is that which is found in those Super Max Speed Race Toy Cars. (I am actually trying to hack a toy car to make it do my bidding using Arduino)

It is the stepper specifications that are needed in order to suggest a suitable driver.

Have you any idea what power (volts and amps) the DC motors use?
The motors in some model cars can be powerful and require a lot of current.
Are they simple brushed DC motors?

I can't envisage why you would need a stepper motor in a model car?


Thanks for taking time to deal with those of us who are newbies.

The DC motor supplies 9volts to the model car.

It then means I should do away with the stepper motor.
Will Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3 be good for what I desire to do?
I just do not want to use something to big for a small project.

The DC motor supplies 9volts to the model car.

I think you have that back to front. Also the current (amps) required by the motor is also very important.

It then means I should do away with the stepper motor.

I have not suggested that because I have no idea what you planned to use the stepper motor for.

Will Adafruit Motor Shield v2.3 be good for what I desire to do?

You need to post a link to its datasheet if you want me to check the specifications.

I have not used one of them but I think it is intended for driving DC motors. You need to make sure it is suitable for your particular motors as far as volts and amps are concerned.


Thanks a lot Sir.

The link to its data sheet is:

Assuming that is the driver chip on the Adafruit shield then the question is "does it match your motor" ?

A link to the Adafruit datasheet for the shield would be more useful in case they have other limitations.
