Having trouble "inserting" new characters to a String object.

Hi everyone,

I'm stuck with something that most probably is stupid and obvious, but I've dealt with it some long nights and could not figure it out.
Sorry in advance for the stupid-ness of the question and the trivial of the response.
Another thing I should probably prepare for, is the flame I'll be getting for being contentious and using the String class. I've been meaning to have the thing up and running the easy way and then tuning the code.

I'm trying to get an SMS PDU decode function and had trouble populating a String object. The code goes like:

String decodeMessage (String eMessage, int messageLenght) {    // Gets the PDU and the length of the represented message, returns it.
	Serial.println("Entering decode function");

	String dMessage;
	dMessage.reserve(messageLenght+1);  // First try
	// char tempoString [25]; // Another try
	byte newByte = 0;
	byte originalByte = 0;
	int counter = 1;
	int currentPosition = messageLenght;
	// Convert the received string Hex representation to actual bytes starting from the last 2 hex chars of the string.
	unsigned int ln, hn; 
	Serial.print("Received pdu: ");
	for (int j = eMessage.length()-1; j >=0 ; j=j-2) {
		if (eMessage.charAt(j) > '9') {
			ln = eMessage.charAt(j) - 'A' + 10;
		} else {
			ln = eMessage.charAt(j) - '0';

		if (eMessage.charAt(j-1) > '9') {
			hn = eMessage.charAt(j-1) - 'A' + 10;
		} else {
			hn = eMessage.charAt(j-1) - '0';

		originalByte = (hn << 4) | ln;
		Serial.println(originalByte,HEX); //Got the original byte.

		for (int i = 7; i>=0; i--) {  //Start the newByte construction. Add 7 bits of each original byte.
			//newByte = newByte | (bitRead(originalByte, i) >> counter); //This did not work, never figured out why....

			bitWrite(newByte, 7-counter, bitRead(originalByte, i));  
			if (counter == 8) {  // We have filled up the byte. Lets close it, add it to the string and start with a new newByte.
				Serial.println(newByte,BIN);  // Seems all right. the Values I get for all the new bytes created is the message I'm expecting.
				dMessage.setCharAt(currentPosition, (char)newByte);  //First try
				// dMessage += newByte; //another try
				strcat(tempoString, (char)newByte);  //yet another try
				currentPosition--; // Go one char back on the dMessage.
				newByte = 0; counter = 1; 

	// Serial.println(tempoString);
	delay (300);
	return dMessage;

The decode process starts from the last byte of the eMessage (encoded message).
I'm taking the 7 MSB of the last byte and copying them to the a new byte, having preserved the initial 0 as MSB .
I then want this new byte to be the last character of the String I'll be returning.

While the Serial.print(newByte, BIN) shows that the newBytes do get correctly created, there is nothing inside the String.

I have also tried using a char array (ignore the fact that appending is not done from the end, I just wanted to see if anything goes in there) but no go. (see also different wording in the comments...)

Just as an example I have the PDU:


Which represents the message:
Test mhnyma apo iPhone. (thats Greek language written with latin characters, sorry about that) which is 23 chars long.

Any ideas what I'm missing?

Any ideas what I'm missing?

All of your serial output.




Any ideas what I'm missing?

All of your serial output.



Indeed! I'll get it as soon as I reach home and connect the arduino. It would seem odd to carry all those breadboards/cables/old GSM phone with me....

How on earth this delay got there? :stuck_out_tongue:
aaaahhh, i remember now. It was a desperate hope that the Ardu was printing faster that my serial could transmit/receive.

So here is the Serial output from this sketch.

Entering decode function
Received pdu: D4F29C0E6AA3DDF976181486BF416928FAED2EBB00

Numbers printed in BIN are the constructed/decoded newByte and if you do the conversion they correspond to the message I showed in the first post. Serial.println(dMessage) prints nothing.

Note: I edited the sketch, cause the way I had it would not even compile (it was leftovers from testing I did).

Really could use your assistance on this.....

Numbers printed in BIN are the constructed/decoded newByte and if you do the conversion they correspond to the message I showed in the first post. Serial.println(dMessage) prints nothing.

And which ones are they? Some are obvious. But, it 0 in binary, hex, decimal? And, what does that number represent?

On can argue, and be perfectly correct, that binary, hex, and decimal output make no difference. But, if you really stuff a 0 into a String, that is a stop sign. Since you appear to put it in the 1st position, it is understandable why printing of the value stops when it sees the stop sign.

Now, this is exactly why anonymous output sucks. If there was text in front of each of those values, we'd know what they represented, and how they are used in the program, and not have to make assumptions.

I suggest that you try again.

This is outside of the question but I'm curious. If you strip the OP's code down a bit you get the following:

String decodeMessage (String eMessage, int messageLenght) {    
	 String dMessage;

	 return dMessage;

Now if decodeMessage was using a character array I'd say this code is less than desirable because you shouldn't return a reference to a local variable (instead you pass the array by reference as an argument).

So is this ok? Because it's using an object? (my mind seems to recall something about objects being returned by value)

Just curious.




Numbers printed in BIN are the constructed/decoded newByte and if you do the conversion they correspond to the message I showed in the first post. Serial.println(dMessage) prints nothing.

And which ones are they? Some are obvious. But, it 0 in binary, hex, decimal? And, what does that number represent?

Well, they are each and every letter from the message "Test mynhma apo iPhone." but the other way around, ie first the "." and then "e" etc. etc, Indeed there's a "0", which I have no idea why its comming from the GSM phone and I need to further test if each and every message I send to this phone produces this 0 byte at the end. Remember that sequence is read from a GSM phone using AT commands.

On can argue, and be perfectly correct, that binary, hex, and decimal output make no difference. But, if you really stuff a 0 into a String, that is a stop sign. Since you appear to put it in the 1st position, it is understandable why printing of the value stops when it sees the stop sign.

Now, this is exactly why anonymous output sucks. If there was text in front of each of those values, we'd know what they represented, and how they are used in the program, and not have to make assumptions.

I suggest that you try again.

That crossed my mind, but:

dMessage.setCharAt(currentPosition, (char)newByte);

and further above:

int currentPosition = messageLenght;

SO i'm actually inserting this at the end of the dMessage object...

But I'll try later to drop that 0 just in case....

Regarding the anonymous output... Well you are indeed right. I do get to understand whats in there but not others. I just though I'll drop a question here just this morning, being at work, not having the arduino with me to alter the code....

Not sure what you're trying to say Brad. I'm not at that level of commanding English language and definitely nowhere near newbe level when it comes to C/C++.

The intention is, after I get this prototype working, to have char arrays instead of Strings and only global variables where it comes to data going back and forth between functions. There's a lot of parsing in the project (GPS data, SMS decode and encode, etc) and will most probably run out of SRAM on the ATMega328....

You might be able to use the StringReplace function to do what you need.

Not sure what you're trying to say Brad. I'm not at that level of commanding English language and definitely nowhere near newbe level when it comes to C/C++.

Well take a look at Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : Arduino programming traps, tips and style guide and "Trap #18".

I just wanted to clarify that your code avoids that problem because you're using a String and not a character array.

BTW, when you use the strcat function you need to use two strings, otherwise you risk corrupting memory (your posted code tries to append a single char to an array which is bad because it will keep copying until it gets the terminating null).



The function-local dMessage is wiped out when the function ends, it has gone out of scope. So when the code gets the return (an address to the object) the object is gone.

I hope your Arduino has lots of extra RAM nikosk because String object manipulation really NEEDS it while shotgunning the RAM you have.

Smart thing to do is ditch the C++ String Objects and use C char array strings and string.h functions when working in small memory environments. C++ String Objects are for systems with piles of memory to WASTE.

The function-local dMessage is wiped out when the function ends, it has gone out of scope. So when the code gets the return (an address to the object) the object is gone.

Thanks for the clarification. That sounds like nikosk's problem (Strings not withstanding). Guess I was confused.



The quick and dirty fix is to make the string global, which never goes out of scope.

Thanks all for the replies.
Object being destroyed would actually be my next problem, if I get over the one I'm dealing with. Thanks for bringing that out..

For now, I'm doing a Serial.print(dMessage) from within the function, before exiting and I'm getting nothing...

It seems that the
dMessage.setCharAt(currentPosition, (char)newByte);
does nothing at all. I tried it with and without casting, I also tried to print random characters from withing the String using the charAt() method, but it seems that the String is not populated at all.
Put also an if statement to avoid populating the string with 0'es as Paul suggested. Every attempt I made results to nothing get printed.

When I Serial.print(newByte) I get a number which represents the decimal ASCII code of the character I'm trying to insert into the String. I assumed a simple cast will do the job, but obviously I was wrong...

Anyway I will be having an issue with returning the String, so I will change my code to use char arrays, but need to educate myself now on that... traditional strings were the reason I dropped from learning C during my teen's.. Hopefully I'll have better luck this time.... Any suggestions before I'm lost between stars and ampersands ???

I'm loath to say but if you have RAM to waste then maybe stick with Strings but I dunno if you have that.

I never liked Strings. They are not transparent while char arrays and string.h functions are totally transparent to me.
Strings copy themselves and delete the old copy. Oh, is that your heap? Stomp, stomp, stomp. Hope you gots lots!

With a char array I am dealing with an ARRAY.
If I need to insert a string within a string I first check if I have room in the array and if so, I memmove() the end to make space in the middle then strncpy() the inserted section since strncpy() does not put a terminating zero at the end of the copied section. And that's it.
But I can do the same without using ANY string.h functions. I simply copy the end of the array string back to where I want to insert the new section with a for-loop the use another for-loop to set the bytes I want inserted into place. I treat the array as an array and I don't need no stinking functions I don't know about!

All a char array C string is is a sequence of ASCII chars with a terminating zero (NULL) at the end in a char array.
That is the big hard secret of c strings. Nothing else. You allocate buffers up front and they stay put.
If you want to learn something hard that is well worth the lesson, learn about pointers and referencing until you see it's just how the compiler deals with addresses and realize that storage is all about data and addresses.

I do confess to having a head start before I ever got to C. I semi-learned 3 different assemblers and Forth and the simplicity of view never left.
I can give you hand breaking into string.h commands if you want. PM me. There's really a few basics with variations you can tell by the name, like string copy strcpy() vs strncpy(). The memxxx() functions alone are worth the trip.

Any suggestions before I'm lost between stars and ampersands ???

A string is a NULL terminated ARRAY of chars. No pointers needed. No need to pass be reference.

There is a VERY close relationship between pointers and arrays, so if passing an array using a pointer makes more sense, or is what the called function expects, just pretend that the pointer and the array are the same thing.

The only real difference between a pointer and an array is that an array always has space allocated. A pointer may or may not point to allocated space.

I'm wondering though...
Since adding this byte type variable to a string object did not work, why would adding it to a char array work?
Should I be looking at some sort of conversion needed, other than a simple casting?

Since adding this byte type variable to a string object did not work, why would adding it to a char array work?

You haven't proven that it didn't. Anonymous output is not convincing.


Since adding this byte type variable to a string object did not work, why would adding it to a char array work?

You haven't proven that it didn't. Anonymous output is not convincing.

Well, I kinda proved it myself :slight_smile: but if you insist, will bring the exhibits to the court in the afternoon (my time... BTW, you sir must be an early riser...)