Having trouble setting a static IP Address on wifi shield

I am using an Arduino WiFi shield and are trying to connect to a server that it creates in the simple server sketch, but the browser won't find and open the ip that the arduino is using. I have pinged the ip to confirm that the arduino is in fact connected. I am trying to set the arduino to a static ip so that i can control what ip the server is on. The library says that i would use WiFi.config() to do that, but when i use that and then after call WiFi.begin() the ip address re configures and is not the one that i set. Does anyone have any answers?

I am using an Arduino UNO R3
Windows 7 pro
with the Arduino 1.0.5 IDE

Thank you

Have you tried the example code to see if it works?

Yes I have ran that sketch and it does not print out the ip address that i choose.

here is a picture:

The IP address you've chosen ( is the default local IP address for several types of router. If you're going to hard-code a static address, I suggest you make sure that address is actually available in your network first.

Yes before i set that static ip i pinged it to check it's availability. It is open and still not working. I can put any ip and there and it won't change a thing.

Yes before i set that static ip i pinged it to check it's availability.

Have you actually checked the IP address of your router, and the client IP addresses that are currently connected on your network? I don't know exactly what you did when you "pinged it to check it's availability" but pinging an address doesn't prove whether the address is available.

the ip address of my router is so yes with out doing anything else i already knew that the ip is free. Also as i said i can put any ip address and it does the exact same thing.

How about if the static address you assign is Surely, if anything is going to work that will (until the WiFi hub decides to allocate a different address).

I'm not familiar with the internals of WiFi but if your network interface is trying to use DHCP then the behaviour will be controlled by the DHCP settings on your router among other things. You might want to tell it to reserve your static address, or even configure it with a hard-coded assignment to your Arduino's MAC address.

Well that address apparently does not work, because when i try to connect to the server it creates in a different sketch at the same ip the browser can't find that ip even though the arduino is connected there.

Are you certain the router is not blocking the traffic? My routers (MikroTik), and most others, have a wireless forwarding setting. MikroTik calls it default-forwarding. If that is set to yes, the wireless devices on the localnet can communicate with each other. If set to no, then they can't.

edit: Insure the server code has the correct port. It should be port 80 for a web browser.

Well that address apparently does not work, because when i try to connect to the server it creates in a different sketch at the same ip the browser can't find that ip even though the arduino is connected there.

What does the part in red mean?

I got it working now it was a firmware problem thanks for the help

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