Having Trouble with Lights

First time posting here! To make a long story short, I'm working on a project with four switches and four lights (light bulbs connected to relays). Individually, they all work. However, I can not get them all to turn on at the same time. Only the first two turn on if I flip all 4 switches, and sometimes, only one light will come on at a time. I've attached my code below, is there something wrong there or with my hardware?

const int switchOne = 22;
const int switchTwo = 28;
const int switchThr = 26;
const int switchFou = 30;
const int lightOne = 3;
const int lightTwo = 5;
const int lightThr = 2;
const int lightFou = 4;
const int bell = 6;

void setup() {
  pinMode(switchOne, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set switchPin as input with internal pull-up resistor
  pinMode(lightOne, OUTPUT);        // Set relayPin as output
  pinMode(switchTwo, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set switchPin as input with internal pull-up resistor
  pinMode(lightTwo, OUTPUT);        // Set relayPin as output
  pinMode(switchThr, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set switchPin as input with internal pull-up resistor
  pinMode(lightThr, OUTPUT);        // Set relayPin as output
  pinMode(switchFou, INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set switchPin as input with internal pull-up resistor
  pinMode(lightFou, OUTPUT);        // Set relayPin as output

void loop() {
  int stateOne = digitalRead(switchOne); // Read the state of the switch
  int stateTwo = digitalRead(switchTwo); // Read the state of the switch
  int stateThr = digitalRead(switchThr); // Read the state of the switch
  int stateFou = digitalRead(switchFou); // Read the state of the switch
  if (stateOne == LOW) {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, HIGH); // Turn on the relay (and the light)
   delay(100); // Add a small delay to stabilize the relay (if necessary)
  } else {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, LOW);  // Turn off the relay (and the light)

  if (stateOne == LOW) {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, HIGH); // Turn on the relay (and the light)
   delay(100); // Add a small delay to stabilize the relay (if necessary)
  } else {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, LOW);  // Turn off the relay (and the light)

  if (stateOne == LOW) {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, HIGH); // Turn on the relay (and the light)
   delay(100); // Add a small delay to stabilize the relay (if necessary)
  } else {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, LOW);  // Turn off the relay (and the light)

  if (stateOne == LOW) {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, HIGH); // Turn on the relay (and the light)
   delay(100); // Add a small delay to stabilize the relay (if necessary)
  } else {
   digitalWrite(lightOne, LOW);  // Turn off the relay (and the light)

Are you using arduino Mega?
Post your project schematic .

Hello rjtech

Welcome to the worldbest Arduino forum ever.

All in all, you are trying to programme a button manager.

In general, a button manager must perform the following tasks:

  1. read and debounce buttons
  2. recognise state changes
  3. perform action on state change

These tasks must be performed "simultaneously" if you have more than one button.

My suggestion - my design recipe

In general, arrays and structs are your friends.
Do not duplicate code in your sketch. Write code once - use it multiple times.
You should not use magic numbers. I/O pins love to have a real functional name.

Do you have experience with programming in C++?

The task can easily be realised with an object.
A structured array contains all the information, such as the pin addresses for the I/O devices, as well as the information for timing.
A single service takes care of this information and triggers the desired action.
The structured array makes the sketch scalable until all I/O pins are used up without having to adjust the code for the service.
That's cool, isn't it?

Have a nice day and enjoy programming in C++.

There's something wrong with your code.

All ifs only test switch 1
int stateOne = digitalRead(switchOne);

if (stateOne == LOW) {.........

1 Like

And it only turns on one relay

It looks like you got one working, used copy/paste and forgot to change the code for the 3 that you added

Try this code.
This code is for switch.

const int switchOne = 22;
const int switchTwo = 28;
const int switchThr = 26;
const int switchFou = 30;
const int lightOne = 3;
const int lightTwo = 5;
const int lightThr = 2;
const int lightFou = 4;
const int bell = 6;
byte lg[] = {lightOne, lightTwo, lightThr, lightFou};
byte sw[] = {switchOne, switchTwo, switchThr, switchFou};
void setup() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    pinMode(sw[i], INPUT_PULLUP);  // Set switchPin as input with internal pull-up resistor
    pinMode(lg[i], OUTPUT);        // Set relayPin as output
  pinMode(bell, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    if (digitalRead(sw[i]) == LOW) {
      digitalWrite(lg[i], HIGH); // Turn on the relay (and the light)
      delay(100); // Add a small delay to stabilize the relay (if necessary)
    } else {
      digitalWrite(lg[i], LOW);  // Turn off the relay (and the light)

I don't think you posted the code you are talking about.

Your posted code would turn on, or off, only lightOne.

Or you've made some creative mistakes wiring your switches and LEDs.

Please post schematic of your project. Hand drawn is fastest and easiest. Show all the parts and how you've wired them, with attention to sources of power and how power is routed to the parts that need power.


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