HC-05 and DT-06 sharing one Max3232, selected by I-O-II switch?

I plan to use one Max3232 miniboard to share with a bluetooth-serial HC-06 and a wifi-serial DT-06. By connecting an on-off-on switch ( a switch labeled "I-O-II") to allow me to either choose to work with bluetooth only, or wifi only, or switching off both.

My question is if I wire them in such a way that even when the switch is at the "off" position where both hc06 and dt-06 are off, but the Max3232 is still on; will there be any bad effect on the device connected to the RS-232 side of Max3232?

Best practice is to off the Max3232 too, but I want to simplify the wiring and Max3232 virtually consumes negligible power; but I'm just not sure it will have any bad consequences.

Thank you.

I plan to use one Max3232 miniboard to share with a bluetooth-serial HC-06 and a wifi-serial DT-06.

I'm not familiar with the MAX3232 but I think it is an RS232 device while the HC-05 and DT-06 are plain old 5v TTL devices. I could be quite wrong about this but, hopefully, "plan" is the operative word here, and it might be a good idea if you were more forthcoming about what you really want to do.

My end device, a telescope hand-controller, has only one rs-232 port; so only one rs-232 cable can be connected to.

I want to use either Android apps or IOS apps to communicate, wirelessly, with the hand-controller. When using an Android app, I'll use Bluetooth for communication because it is more power-efficient. When using an IOS app, because IOS doesn't support Bluetooth SPP profile, I'm forced to use Wifi for wireless communication with the end device. At one particular time, I either use Bluetooth or wifi; or sometimes just turn off both. That's why I will use a 0n1-off-on2 switch (usually labeled with I-O-II on the switch).

I've successfully connected HC-05-->Max3232(TTL<-->RS232)-->hand-controller; and I want to add a DT-06 (wifi-TTL serial) into it, but sharing the same Max3232 miniboard.

The diagram would be something like this:

OK. This

I've successfully connected HC-05-->Max3232(TTL<-->RS232)-->hand-controller;

Clearly shows that you know a lot more about this than I do, but your details will help somebody else help you!
Your comment about IOS<>SPP may not be entirely correct. My firm view of bluetooth comms with IOS was that anybody who can afford an iPhone can afford an Android to do the real work, and so that was the obvious solution. Needless to say, I know nothing about IOS, but I was recently surprised to see these efforts and they may be of interest to you. Both come from the same man, who must be a bit of a hero in the IOS universe.

I might also point out that HM-10 seems to talk SPP with Android just like an HC-0x, and serves much more as a drop-in BLE replacement for HC-0x than I was led to believe.

Are you saying if I use HM-01 instead of HC-06, I would be able to work with both the Android app and IOS app?

I believe that is indeed the case. This may actually be what the HM-10 is intended for. It is quite crippled compared to other BLE devices.
Wait on though, I have suddenly realised that this may merely move the problem rather than fix it. The Android app needs to be compatible with BLE. If it is available on IOS, it is a fair bet that it is kosher, but you need to check. My BT terminal isn't and that was probably my main BLE problem all along.

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