HC-05 BT, "Bluino loader"-App, uploading always fails "error compiling"

arduino nano, "bluino loader"-app on smartphone S20, HC-05

Hello, I'm trying since 4 hours to load up the blink.ino example sketch that is installed with the ap "bluino loader" on my smartphone. I get always the hoax message "Error compiling. Error". But there is no error in the sketch!! I can reduce the example sketch to "delay(1000);", then same error occurs! If I produce a real error, e.g. delete a ; at end of a line, then I get a precise message , that there is missing a ";". So its a hoax error message. Other things are wrong. Anybody here with a solution?

Thats what I did:
I connected HC-05 with instructions on
Bluino Loader - How to program Arduino via Bluetooth - AeroArduino or
Program Your Arduino With an Android Device Over Bluetooth - duino
Serial console worked out of the box, without setting baudrate, ...
Then I initialised with the sketch that sets baudrate, name to Bluino#00, AT+POLAR=1,0. seems to be all okay! But uploading of sketches still fails. with the hoax error message "Error compiling. Error".

BTW: I have purchased the professional "bluino loader" app. So even worked with name "HC-05" without initialising with name=Bluino#00, new baudrate, ...

BTW2: Now I can't upload any longer sketches from PC or USB because baudrate of arduino is set to 57600, even if I disconnect 0 (TX) and 1 (RX), right? - And I can't set it back to 38.400 as long I can't upload sketches with bluetooth module, right? -Thats what I get as error message when I try to upload from PC:

avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 2 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 3 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00

I tested uploading from PC to second a second nano, that works.


I would contact the support department of the bluino app. I would also report the "fake"error message to them so they can fix the app or advise.

Did you also remove the reset circuit (capacitor and resistor)?
Did you select the correct processor under tools/processor (for a Nano)?

The upload process does not rely on the baud rate that you set in a sketch. For a Nano/Uno/Mega the IDE closes the serial port used by the serial monitor (if it's open) and calls a program called avrdude which opens the serial port for the upload; the opening of the serial port resets the board and as a result the the bootloader is invoked (and your sketch will no longer be running) in the processor which has the baud rate configured to whatever is set in the bootloader code (not the sketch code).

  1. I indeed forgot to remove capacitator. Now I can upload from PC again. This item is solved. Thx!

  2. Yes, "nano" is selected, I have only nano processors

  3. bluino app admin support doesn't answer. I claimed that already one year ago. but I try again.

  4. The capacitator is always wrong drawn in every pic I found: minus is always drawn to be connected to reset. Even in pic of introduction of initial start of the bluino app. But reset is positive!! I have a measuring device. (But I tested both). What is correct??

  5. Capacitator seems to have no effect to anything so far. Its a new one, 50V, 1uF

  6. thats what I realised: (with and without 2k ohm between RX0 and TX. And course with capacitator, not in pic:

  7. Bluino Loader latest version 2.0

thank you very much for your time!

Great :+1:

A Nano is a board, not a processor :wink: It can come with one of two processors, 328P or 168. The 328P version comes nowadays with one of two different bootloaders

  1. New official Nanos use the 328P bootloader.
  2. Older official Nanos as well as most clones use the "old bootloader".

A sad state of affairs.

I'm not much of a hardware engineer so can't tell.

thx for hint of different bootloaders for nano. I updated ALL my nanos to new bootloader. The Arduino IDE on PC proves that: I set always "Atmega 328P" , NOT ".... old bootloader" and works with IDE of PC.

BTW: my sketches are alle updated to 57600 baud and serial console works, displays all println("..."); commands via bluetooth:

void Setup() {   
 //Serial.begin(9600);   //PC
  Serial.begin(57600);  // bluetooth

But I can only upload them with PC, NOT with smartphone and Bluino loader app using bluetooth (BTW: upload with OTG-usb is not possible with Bluino Loader either, I tested my tablet and S9, too. So problem is not bluetooth HC-05, I'm sure its a bug in the app! The error message 'error compiling' is misleading, its a hoax. 3 years ago it was working with USB OTG out of the box, but maybe with another, older "Bluino loader" version. )

BTW2: my sketch to initalise the HC-05 and has taken effect, the HC-05 was renamed to Bluino#00 (although rename not necessary beause I have the professional paid app version):

void setup() {
//Serial.println("AT+UART=115200,0,0"); // Use this baudrate if using for Arduino Uno, Bluino and Mega2560
Serial.println("AT+UART=57600,0,0");  // Use this baudrate if using for Arduino Nano, Leonardo, Micro, Pro Mini 3V3/5V and Duemilanove
void loop() {

my old Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2016) 10,1“ SM-T580, Android 10, "Bluino loader" with same Version 2.0, starts upload via bluetooth HC-05 , red LED of arduino nano blinking for some seconds, but then "bluino loader" displays a popup "error upload". Sketch is not flashed. With capacitator and without, same behaviour. Tension of capacitator is 0,6V nomally, while uploading (or when monitoring serial console) 3,9V.

I have now two cicuits with nano for testing, each with a HC-05. Same behavior. Same error with my 8 years old tablet. So I don't think that cables are damaged. My Galaxy S20 still doesn't even start uploading, it claims immediately: "error upload" as I already told in this thread.

One cicuit TX and RX0 is with resistor 2 kOhm, other with the two resistors at RX connected with TX0. See my pic above and here again:
Capacitator is missing in the drawing. Doen't help, no other behavior, always "error upload" at the end of uploading about 3 sec. (BTW: is capacitator needed at all when uploading sketches to nano? - For initialising the HC-05 , means: give other name, set AT-commands, ... there the capaitator 1 uF is needed, I flashed my 2 HC-05 in this way, capacitator works, capacitator between reset (RST) and "STATE" is not the problem.)

Maintainer still not responding from mansurkamsur add gmail com.

Same problem asked here one year ago: Problem uploading code from Bluino to Nano using HC05
and here: Uploading code from android via bluetooth to Nano
and others. Seems to be a problem of adruino nano. Behaves other way like arduino uno.

BTW: my old tabet can't upload sketches via USB to nano either, 3 years ago it was possible, I did it very often. Now same error like via bluetooth: "error upload".