HC-05 BT Module Not Discoverable in Laptop

Good day!

I have an Arduino Uno and HC-05 Bluetooth Module. The connection is:

HC-05 Arduino
State - Unconnected
Rx - Tx
Tx - Rx
Gnd - Gnd
Vcc - 5V

  • Vin is connected to a 9V battery.
  • The red light is blinking fast (I read that this is just powered, not yet ready to pair)
  • Already tried holding the button during power up, but the blinking light slowed down (I read somewhere that it means it is ready to pair, yet its still not discovered by my laptop)
  • I also can't type AT command because of this

I have read and watched a lot of tutorials but the HC-05 Module is still undiscoverable by my laptop. I hope someone helps. Thanks!!


// Define analog input
#define ANALOG_IN_PIN A0

// Floats for ADC voltage & Input voltage
float adc_voltage = 0.0;
float in_voltage = 0.0;
// Floats for resistor values in divider (in ohms)
float R1 = 30000.0;
float R2 = 7500.0; 
float ref_voltage = 5.0;  // Float for Reference Voltage
int adc_value = 0;  // Integer for ADC value

int knock = 7;  //Sensor signal
int led = 13;
int val;
int countr = 0;

void setup() {


void loop() {  
  val = digitalRead(knock); // read and assign the value of digtal interface 3 to value
  if(val == LOW) //when sensor detect a signal, LED flashes
    countr = countr + 1;


void voltage_read() {

   adc_value = analogRead(ANALOG_IN_PIN);             // Read the Analog Input
   adc_voltage  = (adc_value * ref_voltage) / 1024.0; // Determine voltage at ADC input
   in_voltage = adc_voltage / (R2/(R1+R2)) ;          // Calculate voltage at divider input
   // Print results to Serial Monitor to 2 decimal places
  Serial.print("Input Voltage = ");
  Serial.println(in_voltage, 2);
  Serial.print("Counter       = ");

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HC-05 has two versions. One is logic 5V, another is 3.3V. Is is written on the back of the board. Please make sure which version you are using. In case you're using the 3.3V, you will have to use logic level converter.
Here is also an old thread regarding undiscoverable bluetooth module.

If nothing solves the problem, you may get another HC-05 module.
With a good HC-05 module, you can make Arduino-based bluetooth car like this.

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Thank you!!

Is this good for a logic level converter?

The button on the HC05 module is to put the module into AT mode. It has nothing to do with pairing.

Is the HC05 in slave mode?

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More to the point, if Bluetooth is in AT mode, slow flash, you cannot communicate, therefore cannot pair.

And as for post #3, all you need is a 1k/2k divider. See the Martyn Currey website.


I think this is misleading nonsense. HC-05 is a 3.3v device. The breakout boards on which they are usually supplied is typically and clearly marked:
LEVEL 3.3V - as you would expect, and
Power 3.6v - 6v - which means it has an on-board regulator to supply the device with 3.3v.
So it is down to you to ensure the Rx pi is fed with a 3.3v signal.
There is/was a 3.3v HC-06 on the market, which simply meant there was no on-board regulator and it was specifically for all-3.3v operation.

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