HC-05 can't be select

Hi,I have a problem.
I use HC-05(3.0) and Arduino pro mini.

I do AT+NAME=HC05 , AT+ROLE=0 , AT+PSWD=1234 , AT+ADDR? , AT+UART?

Then I use cellphone select HC-05,but it isn't appear.

My code:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>   // 引用程式庫

// 定義連接藍牙模組的序列埠
SoftwareSerial BT(2, 3); // 接收腳, 傳送腳
char val;     // 儲存接收資料的變數

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);   // 與電腦序列埠連線
  Serial.println("BT is ready!");

  // 設定藍牙模組的連線速率

void loop() {
  // 若收到「序列埠監控視窗」的資料,則送到藍牙模組
  if (Serial.available()) {
    val = Serial.read();

  // 若收到藍牙模組的資料,則送到「序列埠監控視窗」
  if (BT.available()) {
    val = BT.read();

My wiring:
HC05 Arduino pro mini
Vcc Vcc
Gnd Gnd
Tx pin 2(Rx)
Rx pin 3(Tx)
EN 3.3V

How can i do?

Maybe you are still in configuration mode - slow flash. If so, turn power off, disconnect EN pin, and start over. I'm also betting you never needed to be in configuration mode in the first place.

Thank for your help.

You are right.After disconnect EN PIN I can select and mate it,but when I use bluetooth app to connect HC-05.I got (can't connect to device).Is the problem on the app?

.Is the problem on the app?

I don't dare ask what app that might be, but probably not. Note that the device must be paired before you use any app.

You might find the following background notes useful.


Thank for your help!
The problem is solve.