Hey everyone, Recenty I bought an HC-05 bluetooth module, some motors, propelers... Thought it would be cool to make a bluetooth controlled boat. Sadly just as I started working on the project I faced first serious problem- I can't pair the HC-05 module with my phone (The phone doesn't catch the signal).
I've been searching the internet for solution, found lots of them, but couldn't go far, since most of them show the example with arduino UNO(mine's MEGA2560). Also been trying to switch the AT modes, because I thought that it is set on the wrong mode. Couldn't figure out that aswell. I can make the light on the bluetooth module slown down to blink per 2 seconds(which indicates that the module is in the AT mode), but get no response when trying to communicate with it through serial monitor(9600baud and "Both NL &CR").
Also I've noticed that I can't upload the code while the HC-05 is attached to the circuit, of course I can detach it for a while.
I starting to think that I might have burned down the module somehow. Are there any simple methods to know whether the module is working properly? I have an UT33C multimeter, ?maybe I can do something with it
I have never worked with bluetooth before. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm not adding the code, because I tried lots of them and none of them worked.