HC-05 HC-06 Bluetooth Uploading Sketch & Reset the Arduino On Time, Read ASAP

Hi guys, I have just now managed to upload a sketch to my UNO, using the HC-05 bluetooth module. I am so happy that I would like to help others to save time and money.

I know it does not look so difficult, right? There are a few tutorials how to build the wiring and capacitors, pull-down & up resistors etc. I agree with you but it took me around 60 hours only on how to make it upload code using the bluetooth. The tutorials are very nice and everything is easy, till the point of reseting arduino comes up. I read everything is out there on the forums, read again the tutorials...nothing worked for me!

I know you might be laughing (you may thing I am a newbie or something) but the solution you might be looking is very funny! So here it is, after you setup the module in the AT menu remove the rx tx cables from the softwareserial pins and connect them straight to the RX TX pins of the arduino. Only in this way it will work. Now that I read again the tutorials, I admit some of them show it on the pictures and schematics BUT no one describes a step where you have to place the Rx Tx of the module to the RX TX (and not to any other softwareserial pins used in the AT setup) and this is a mistake that took 60 hours of my life. Have fun!