I just bought a new pair of HC-05 modules and I've been trying to pair them, but I have my HC-05 in AT command mode, and I'm trying to set the role to master with "AT+ROLE=1" but when I ask the serial monitor "AT+ROLE?" it returns as "+ROLE:0", even though after I send "AT+ROLE=1" the serial monitor returns with "OK". It's for a school project and I really need some help. Tysm
Are you putting the unpowered HC05 into AT mode by connecting the EN pin to 3.3V (not 5V) and then powering the module.
Some HC05s will enter a less capable version of the AT mode if the pushbuuton is held while powering the HC05.
When I the modules arrived, I plugged them in and they were already in AT command mode. So I could not make it enter AT command mode myself since it was already in AT. Also, here is my wiring for the HC-05:
Credits to PatchBOTS
Please post photos of the front and back sides of your modules.
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