HC-05 not connecting working with serial module

Ive been all day trying to get this hc-05 to work with AT commands but still didnt make it work
I'm using a arduino uno and using arduino ide 2.3.2
The only thing i got "working" is connecting it to my phone, so at least something??? But still when i send it my serial monitor it wont recive the message
This is the wiring

Pls if someone has the kindness to send any idea, i'll try anything!

Noting that the red jumper is short, and taking a wild guess at the secret code, I suspect you have connected Rx to Rx. It needs to be Rx to Tx.

Yes you are correcet! Rx of mudule and arduino are connected to eachother! Ill do that when i get home

post a schematic?

So i tried and still no luck
Rx to tx tx to rx and still nothing will show on the serial monitor
I tried doing the code blank and with code but still its not working

images (2)
This is the schematic im using
If the code needed me to change the pins of Tx and Rx ( pin 2 and 3) i would too

That is fritzing NOT a circuit diagram.

Your code is still a state secret and I don't use software serial anyway but I believe the pins are usually called up as Rx,Tx in setup, i.e. Rx first. This implies that Rx is pin 2 but it is wired as a Tx line. You need to ensure that pin 2 really is called up as Tx in the software serial command, thereby complying with the diagramme.

There is nothing wrong with your diagramme per se, it is perfectly clear and legible and you can studiously ignore post #7. What you DO have to do, as always, is ensure that your wiring complies with it, as indeed does the code.

Note that you can stuff the connections up right royally without doing any damage.

I can only remember it because R comes before T in the alphabet too.
SoftwareSerial (rxpin, txpin);

Why not also tell us where the image came from - ie post a link to the tutorial you are following.
My old eyes cant see the labels here

and post your code..

Ah, yes, leftmost pin on HC-05 is indeed Rx, ergo the divider is in the correct place. So, as long as pin 2 on Uno is called as Tx, the circuit diagramme is kosher.