HC-05 won't stop responding

Hello everyone,

I "just" started using the HC-05 Bluetooth module and I'm having some issues. Unfortunately no one else seems to have this issue :confused: If I enter AT mode (38400) I can send almost all AT commands and I will also get an answer from the module. Or to be more precise I get an unlimited amount of answers until I press Enter a second time.

I tried different commands, different settings, different serial terminals and also different HC-05 modules from different suppliers. I keep seeing the issue. There might be a super easy solution to this but I was not able to find it :frowning:

Also if I type AT+NAME? and hit Enter the module does not respond and simply resets itself...

Please let me know if you have any ideas :wink: Thanks for your help!


Hello everyone,

I "just" started using the HC-05 Bluetooth module and I'm having some issues. Unfortunately no one else seems to have this issue :confused: If I enter AT mode (38400) I can send almost all AT commands and I will also get an answer from the module. Or to be more precise I get an unlimited amount of answers until I press Enter a second time.

I tried different commands, different settings, different serial terminals and also different HC-05 modules from different suppliers. I keep seeing the issue. There might be a super easy solution to this but I was not able to find it :frowning:

Also if I type AT+NAME? and hit Enter the module does not respond and simply resets itself...

Please let me know if you have any ideas :wink: Thanks for your help!


Interesting. Can you post your code and a screenshot of what is happening?

I'm running the standard firmware it came with. Haven't even tried to load something different onto the module yet.


Where is your code? Why are you using a different terminal emulator than the Arduino IDE Serial Monitor?

No code. I'm simply typing AT commands (see first line in the screenshot). I'm using putty or minicom instead of the Arduino Serial Monitor.

No code. I'm simply typing AT commands (see first line in the screenshot). I'm using putty or minicom instead of the Arduino Serial Monitor.

I've had this problem when using a terminal emulator that isn't the serial monitor (I think it was RealTerm). I don't remember how I fixed it, though. Rest assured that the problem is most likely in the settings of Putty and not your HC-05.

My advice is to use your Arduino as a TTL to USB converter and use the serial monitor as your terminal emulator.