HC-06(Bluetooth module) on raspberry pi pico / it didn't work


i'm making the smart farm controller using raspberry pi pico + hc-06 and sensors

sensors are working well but only hc-06 is not working
->serial monitor on ide shows sensor data well.
->but when i try to control the machine through my smartphone(connected to hc-6), there is no response.

->i didn't use <Softwareserial.h> because pico doesnt support it.
just typed Serial.begin(9600)
->hc-06's each RX, TX pins are connected to GP0(UART0-TX), GP1(UART0-RX)

As I expected, It needs to work, but no working.
is there anything What I need to add??

here's my code i made

#include <DHT11.h> //activate dht library
int relay1 = 10;  //PTC Heat-6A
int relay2 = 11;  //PTC Heat-6A
int relay3 = 8;  //LED
int relay4 = 9;  //water pump
DHT11 dht11(26);  //install DHT on pin26

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(9600);  //hc-06 serial begin
  pinMode(relay1, OUTPUT); //PTC6A relay switch
  pinMode(relay2, OUTPUT); //PTC6A relay switch
  pinMode(relay3, OUTPUT); //LED relay switch
  pinMode(relay4, OUTPUT); //water pump realy

void loop() {
  float temp, humi;
  int ht_result = dht11.read(humi, temp);
  float g_humid = analogRead(27);  //save soil humidity data from pin27
  Serial.print("습도: ");
  Serial.println("% ");
  Serial.print("온도: ");
  Serial.println("C "); 
  Serial.print("토양습도: ");
  Serial.println("% ");
  delay(1000);  //send data each 5 sec
  //send humid, temp, g_humid through hc-06
  char cmd;  //command through hc-06
    cmd = (char)Serial.read();

    if(cmd == '1'){ //PTC on
      digitalWrite(relay1,HIGH);  //PTC Active
      digitalWrite(relay2,HIGH);  //PTC Active
      Serial.print("Heat mode Activated!"); 
      Serial.print("Heat mode will be turn off in 30 minitue!");
    if(cmd == '2'){ //LED on
      Serial.print("LED turned on!");
    if(cmd == '3'){ //Water pump active
      Serial.print("Water injection!");
      delay(5000);  //Water pump active during 5 sec
    if(cmd == '4'){ //PTC off
      digitalWrite(relay1,LOW);  //PTC Active
      digitalWrite(relay2,LOW);  //PTC Active
      Serial.print("Heat mode Deactivated!");
    if(cmd == '5'){ //LED off
      Serial.print("LED turned off!");
 //PTC Heater, LED, WP Control through hc-06

Swap the connecting wires for RX and TX with each other.

i just swapped them and reboot.
but it has the same problem.......

Schematics could be usefull. Insufficiant powering is often a reason for failure.

Turns out the voltage was 3.3v
I solved the problem
I think the cord is the problem now


Thanks for telling us!

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