Hello, I have been working in a project where I transmit data with HC-12 to a base station with HC-12 receiver. I was able to get the data, but I also want to display this data to an android phone. I am thinking of using an HC-05 bluetooth module. Do you think this would work? Btw I am using the Software Serial Library.Thanks!
Yes! The setup will work!
Yes! The setup will work!
Would still this work with different baud rates? for hc-12 I m using 9600 while 38400 for the hc-05 as default. attached here is the code. However, I wasn't able to print out the data in the serial monitor and no data was sent by the bluetooth. but when I comment the line BTSerial.begin(38400) it prints out the receiving data. attached here is my code. Thanks.
receive-send.ino (2.89 KB)
Read the how to use this forum stickies to post your code in the proper manner, clicking code tags </>. You will have to use a separate serial port for the HC-05. The default communications speed of HC-05 is 9600.
Make simple test as per following steps and then add your ideas/complexities.
1. UNO with H12 via Software Serial Port (SUART Port); UNO-SM (Serial Monitor) via UART Port; UNO and NANO via HC12 + HC12.
2. NANO with H12 via SUART Port; NANO-SM via UART Port; NANO with Android via SUART based HC05.
Codes for UNO: (untested)
SoftwareSerial SUART(10, 11); //SRX = DPin-10. STX = DPin-11
void setup()
void loop()
delay(1000); //
Codes for NANO: (untested)
SoftwareSerial SUARTHC12(10, 11);
SoftwareSerial SUARTHC5(4, 5);
void setup()
void loop()
bytr n = SUARTHC12.available();
if(n !=0)
byte x = SUARTHC12.read(); //read from HC12
Serial.write(x); //check tha A has appeared on SM
SUARTHC5.write(x); //check that A has appeared on the screen of Android Phone
3. Upload the above sketches into UNO and NANO and check that the results above appeared as expected.
Please, post the results.
BTW; Connevt STX-pin of NANO with RX-pin Bluetooth using a voltage divider. RX-pin of BT is not 5V tolerant.