HC SR-04 - Octosonar Robot

Hey guys,

I'm currently working on a robot that uses the Octosonar system to get the value from 8 HC SR-04 ultrassonic sensors via serial port. I'm using an Arduino Zero based board with a SAMD21G18 MCU. During my tests, i've got just zeros on the serial monitor, as if the sensors are always out of range.

My code

/* OctoSonarX2Test
 *  This is a basic test for the OctoSonar functionality
 *  outputs range in mm of 8 sensors to serial monitor
 *  serial text at 115200 baud
 *  Copyright (c) 2018 Alastair Young
#include "OctoSonar.h"

#define SONAR_ADDR 0x27
#define SONAR_INT 8

OctoSonar myOcto(SONAR_ADDR, SONAR_INT);

void setup() {
  myOcto.begin(ACTIVE_SONARS);   // initialize bus, pins etc

uint32_t last_print = 0;
void loop() {
  OctoSonar::doSonar();  // call every cycle, OctoSonar handles the spacing

  if (last_print + 200 < millis()) {   // serial output every 200ms
    last_print = millis();
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
      SerialUSB.print(myOcto.read(i)); SerialUSB.print("   ");

Serial Port Output

0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   

I started to trace down the problem and i've noticed in the library archives that the function that compares maximum out range echos (MAXOOR) coming from the circuit is always smaller than OOR count.

As you guys can see in the cpp file below.

  Copyright (c) 2017 Alastair Young.
  This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
#include "OctoSonar.h"
#include <Wire.h>

// constructor
OctoSonar_base::OctoSonar_base(uint8_t numsonars) 
  : active(0xff) // default to 8 
  , _address(0x38)        // PCF8574A OctoSonar v2
  , _interrupt(OCTOSONAR_INT_PIN)
  , _numsonars(8)  // PCF8574(A)
  _numsonars = numsonars;
  _range = new uint16_t[_numsonars]();
  _OORcount = new uint16_t[_numsonars]();

OctoSonar_base::OctoSonar_base(uint8_t numsonars, uint8_t address, uint8_t interrupt) {
  _numsonars = numsonars;
  if (numsonars == 8) {
    _address = constrain(address, 0x38, 0x3F);
  } else {
    _address = constrain(address, 0x20, 0x27);
  _interrupt = interrupt;
  _range = new uint16_t[_numsonars]();
  _OORcount = new uint16_t[_numsonars]();

// static class variables
uint8_t  OctoSonar_base::maxOOR = 1;                         // how many OOR to skip. Raise this in noisy environments
double   OctoSonar_base::units = OCTOSONAR_MM;               // defaults to OCTOSONAR_MM 
uint16_t OctoSonar_base::_max_micros = 4000 / 0.170145;      // limit in microseconds. Above this return zero.
uint8_t  OctoSonar_base::_phase = OCTOSONAR_PHASE_IDLE;      // what we did last
uint32_t OctoSonar_base::_pulseBegin = 0;                    // to remember when the pulse started
uint16_t OctoSonar_base::_spacing = OCTOSONAR_SPACING;       // time between pings - default 50ms
uint32_t OctoSonar_base::_last_sonar_millis = 0;             // timestamp of last ping sent
uint8_t  OctoSonar_base::_currentSonar = 0;                  // current active sonar - array index
OctoSonar_base  *OctoSonar_base::_currentOctoSonar = 0;           // current active OctoSonar

void OctoSonar_base::begin() {
  pinMode(_interrupt, INPUT);
  Wire.write(0xff); // clear the expander
  if (_numsonars == 16) {

  // insert into circular linked list
  // for the artists that need more than one of these
  if (_currentOctoSonar) {
    _nextOctoSonar = _currentOctoSonar->_nextOctoSonar;
    _currentOctoSonar->_nextOctoSonar = this;
  } else {  // new list
    _currentOctoSonar = this;
    _nextOctoSonar = this;

void OctoSonar_base::begin(uint16_t newactive) {
  active = newactive;

// call from loop() every cycle
void OctoSonar_base::doSonar() {
  OctoSonar_base *startOcto = _currentOctoSonar;     // loop catcher for no octos enabled
  uint8_t startSonar =  _currentSonar;          // ditto  
  if (_last_sonar_millis + _spacing < millis()) {  // time to move forward
    if (_phase != OCTOSONAR_PHASE_IDLE) {
      // clean up last sonar - it is not done
      if (_currentOctoSonar->_OORcount[_currentSonar] > maxOOR) {
       _currentOctoSonar->_range[_currentSonar] = 0;////Zeros are coming from here (problem)
      detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(_currentOctoSonar->_interrupt)); // clean up after ourselves
    // high all triggers
    if (_currentOctoSonar->_numsonars == 16) {
    // look for next enabled sonar
    do {
      if (_currentSonar >= _currentOctoSonar->_numsonars ) { // roll to next board
        _currentOctoSonar = _currentOctoSonar->_nextOctoSonar;
	_currentSonar = 0;
      if (startOcto == _currentOctoSonar && startSonar ==  _currentSonar) return;
    } while ((_currentOctoSonar->active & (1 << _currentSonar)) == 0);
    _last_sonar_millis = millis();
    // drop the trigger we want
    if (_currentOctoSonar->_numsonars == 16) {
      uint16_t trig;
      trig = ~((uint16_t)1 << _currentSonar);
      Wire.write((uint8_t *)&trig,2);
    } else {
      Wire.write(~((uint8_t)1 << _currentSonar));

    // check the pin state - it should be down right now, echo takes a while to start 
    if (digitalRead(_currentOctoSonar->_interrupt) == HIGH) { // interrupt pin is active - sensor wedged
      _currentOctoSonar->_range[_currentSonar] = 0;
    attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(_currentOctoSonar->_interrupt), _startPulse, RISING); // watch for Echo start 

void OctoSonar_base::_startPulse() {
  _pulseBegin = micros(); // pulse is starting now
  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(_currentOctoSonar->_interrupt), _endPulse, FALLING); // now look for pulse end

void OctoSonar_base::_endPulse() {
  uint32_t now = micros();
  detachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(_currentOctoSonar->_interrupt)); // clean up after ourselves
  // ignore wacko values
  uint32_t pulseLen = now - _pulseBegin; // calculate length of pulse
  if (pulseLen > _max_micros) { // took too long 0 = out of range
    if (_currentOctoSonar->_OORcount[_currentSonar] > maxOOR) {
      _currentOctoSonar->_range[_currentSonar] = 0;
  } else {
    _currentOctoSonar->_OORcount[_currentSonar] = 0;
    _currentOctoSonar->_range[_currentSonar] = pulseLen * units;

// public member functions
int16_t OctoSonar_base::read(uint8_t sonar) {
  return _range[sonar];

int16_t OctoSonar_base::read(uint8_t sonar, int16_t outOfRange) {
  if (_range[sonar] == 0 ) {
    return outOfRange;
  } else {
    return _range[sonar];

I've tried to raise the MAXOOR as recommended by the developer, but the result stays the same in the serial port.

Do you guys have any thoughts on this ?

Best Regards

Samuel Marciano

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