HC-SR04 and JHD 162A LCD Program Error

I want my HC-SR04 to display its reading on a 16x2 LCD

This is the code:

Coded By: http://electronicsproject.org
#define trigPin 7
#define echoPin 8
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Welcome To");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Distnance Meter");
lcd.print("Designed by:");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
void loop() {
int timetaken, dist;
lcd.print("Distance in CM:");
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
timetaken = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
dist = (timetaken/2) * 0.034049 ;
if (dist >= 300 || dist <= 0){
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Out Of Range");
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

This is the error message:

Arduino: 1.6.4 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno"

sketch_jan04a:12: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:12: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:14: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:14: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:17: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:17: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:19: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:19: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:22: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:22: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:24: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:24: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:29: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:29: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:37: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a:37: error: stray '' in program
sketch_jan04a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_jan04a:12: error: 'u201celectronics' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a:14: error: 'u201cproject' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a:17: error: 'u201cWelcome' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a:19: error: 'u201cDistnance' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a:22: error: 'u201cDesigned' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a:24: error: 'u201cElectronicsProject' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a.ino: In function 'void loop()':
sketch_jan04a:29: error: 'u201cDistance' was not declared in this scope
sketch_jan04a:37: error: 'u201cOut' was not declared in this scope
stray '' in program

This report would have more information with
"Show verbose output during compilation"
enabled in File > Preferences.


Please Help....

I copied the code from your post and it compiled OK for me. The error you got is usually caused by multi byte Unicode characters being copied from the Web when you copy/paste the code from a Web page.

Here is the code in code tags which will make it easier for you copy copy it back to the IDE

Coded By: http://electronicsproject.org
#define trigPin 7
#define echoPin 8
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);
void setup()
  pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Welcome To");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("Distnance Meter");
  lcd.print("Designed by:");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

void loop()
  int timetaken, dist;
  lcd.print("Distance in CM:");
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  timetaken = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  dist = (timetaken / 2) * 0.034049 ;
  if (dist >= 300 || dist <= 0)
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
    lcd.print("Out Of Range");
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

There are things wrong with it but we can deal with that once you have got it running.

duplicate thread