HC-SR04 (Sonar Sensor) wake up arduino

Hello I have a project which I need the sensor to wake up the arduino if it is inactive for several minutes. I have the HC-SR04 so when you wave next to it , it will play a sound effect. The issue is when there is no activity for 10 minutes I want the arduino to power down to conserve battery but when someone waves next to the sonar again it will power the arduino back on from sleep. Is this possible with HC-SR04 and what is the best way to go about this.

The HC-SR04 is running off of 5V pin of Arduino , should I set a pin to interrupt from the HC-SR04?

This is where I get lost :0

Thank you for your time

The HC-SR04 will not take any measurements unless asked for by the Arduino.

Possible to let it sleep .. then awake and check sensor every N seconds..

The ESP32's 3rd core, the ULP core, can be programmed to run a device and wake the main cores upon programmed signal detection.