Hello, i am working on a very simple project but i don't have the required exeperience to achieve this at all. I have connected an IR Infrared 4 Wire flame sensor and a passive buzzer also with the concept of when flame is being detected , the buzzer goes on in order to alarm . At this point everything is tested and work's fine , but in the limits of my Computer Science lesson i have to go a bit further with this. Everytime that flame is being detected i want to "send a message or something to alert my smartphone" via HC05 Bluetooth module . Is that feasible and do i have to use an application from play store in order to achieve this ?
Probably some loose language here, and a big difference between "message" and "something". A message is not much use, but will do "something" if the phone is on and an app is ready to receive it. If you really want a phone alert, you may find an app, but you might have to do something pretty serious yourself at the phone end. I submit it would be smarter to give up the bluetooth and use a phone shield to send a text instead. This would absolve you from doing anything at the phone end, and you would have something that is actually useful.
Well , yes you are right my topic was a bit loose. But my budget is very limited as a student so i would like to achieve this by using the bluetooth module, even the simplest communication between arduino and bluetooth module is acceptable i mean showing message on phone like serial monitor " Fire alert" . If someone can help me with this would be awesome. I know that by using a GSM module would be more useful but as i said i can't afford to buy it. Thank you in advance.
OK, for the simplest communication, you might find the following background notes useful.
If you can already get Arduino to print "Help, I'm on fire!" to the serial monitor, page 1 is all you really need to read - no extra code required, and no special app on the phone either, just a plain vanilla bluetooth terminal.
I searched in playstore for Bluetooth applications , and i found BlueTerm , i guess by doing the correct connection between Arduino and the HC05 module and according to the pdf that you indicated me that code will print a message to the terminal of the application on my phone ?
Yes - provided it is Android.
You may later find that particular app not such a good choice. I'm not sure it can record data in a log file, but most do.