hc05 two master connecting one slave

Hello Everyone

I am new to Arduino, i want to send two separate master device sensor data to one slave device. is this possible? now i have made one master and one slave, its working fine. what should i do if i want to add one more master? do i need to repeat the same procedure which i did to the previous master Bluetooth.

can someone please let me in details please.

Thank you in advance.

No. You might be able to have two slaves off one master by having Arduino reconfigure the master on the fly. This involves controlling the power to the master, thereby breaking the connection. You are correct in that the procedure is the same as you already have.


Thank you. if i make same procedure for both HC-05 BLUETOOTH by binding the salve address to both master devices using AT commands will both both master devices will bind to one slave?

Read reply #1 again - twice. One master, two slaves.

so you are telling there is not possibilities to connect two senders to one receiver. please correct me if i am wrong and help me what should i do if i want to connect two sender to one receiver.

You are talking nonsense and I did not tell you that you cannot connect two senders to one receiver. The slaves send and the master receives. The only thing that makes a master a master is that it makes the connection. Once the connection is made, it doesn't matter which sends and which receives.


I am sorry. MY question is i want two sender to connects with one receiver. please can you explain me in details how this can be done. I am totally confused.

My project is i have two tilt sensors placed at two different places and both modules should be connected to receiver. sensor information should be sent wireless, when any of the sensor activates receiver should get information and buzzer which is at receiver should turn On.

Receiver connects with sender1:
Ask, any tilt y/n?
act on signal
Receiver power off, break connection
Reciever power on, AT mode reconfigure for sender2
Receiver power off
Receiver power on, comms mode, autoconnects with sender2
Ask, any tilt y/n?
act on signal
Receiver power off, break connection
Reciever power on, AT mode reconfigure for sender1