I have built up a infrared sensor range finder car. It uses L298P to control two motors, i.e. a steering motor and a driving motor. The measured distance value is displayed on HD44780 1602 LCD chip. The car has a 5x1.5v battery power supply which is also connected to UNO VCC and GND.
The question is that HD44780 will occasionally display gibberish when the motors are started. I think it is because the motors made disturbance to the HD44780 chip. How to avoid it?
5 X 1.5 = 7.5 V and the Arduino Uno has a 5V Vcc........ ? Quite frankly I don't see how it could have worked at all, unless the batteries were dead ( a battery is usually considered used up @ .9V) so 5 X .9 = 4.5V good except it would go away when the device motor was powered up. should have displayed garbage text then...