Hello, I'm really new to Arduino and probably trying to run before I can walk. That being said, I'm trying to do something like this guy's video where I want a button press to change the animation on a strip of LEDs. The problem comes in when reformatting existing fastled code (like TwinkleFox) to header files so I can use classes in the main code. I keep getting the error message "_____ not declared in the scope."
Here's the code for the header file. Be warned, it's like 200 lines even after I cut out a lot of the comments and palettes, since I only want to use LavaColors.
#include "Arduino.h"
class LavaTwinkle {
void runPattern();
void drawTwinkles( CRGBSet& L);
void coolLikeIncandescent( CRGB& c, uint8_t phase);
void chooseNextColorPalette( CRGBPalette16& pal);
CRGB gBackgroundColor = CRGB::Black;
CRGBPalette16 gCurrentPalette;
CRGBPalette16 gTargetPalette;
void LavaTwinkle::runPattern() {
chooseNextColorPalette( gTargetPalette );
nblendPaletteTowardPalette( gCurrentPalette, gTargetPalette, 12);
// This function loops over each pixel, calculates the
// adjusted 'clock' that this pixel should use, and calls
// "CalculateOneTwinkle" on each pixel. It then displays
// either the twinkle color of the background color,
// whichever is brighter.
void LavaTwinkle::drawTwinkles( CRGBSet& L) {
// "PRNG16" is the pseudorandom number generator
// It MUST be reset to the same starting value each time
// this function is called, so that the sequence of 'random'
// numbers that it generates is (paradoxically) stable.
uint16_t PRNG16 = 11337;
uint32_t clock32 = millis();
// Set up the background color, "bg".
// if AUTO_SELECT_BACKGROUND_COLOR == 1, and the first two colors of
// the current palette are identical, then a deeply faded version of
// that color is used for the background color
CRGB bg;
(gCurrentPalette[0] == gCurrentPalette[1] )) {
bg = gCurrentPalette[0];
uint8_t bglight = bg.getAverageLight();
if( bglight > 64) {
bg.nscale8_video( 16); // very bright, so scale to 1/16th
} else if( bglight > 16) {
bg.nscale8_video( 64); // not that bright, so scale to 1/4th
} else {
bg.nscale8_video( 86); // dim, scale to 1/3rd.
} else {
bg = gBackgroundColor; // just use the explicitly defined background color
uint8_t backgroundBrightness = bg.getAverageLight();
for( CRGB& pixel: L) {
PRNG16 = (uint16_t)(PRNG16 * 2053) + 1384; // next 'random' number
uint16_t myclockoffset16= PRNG16; // use that number as clock offset
PRNG16 = (uint16_t)(PRNG16 * 2053) + 1384; // next 'random' number
// use that number as clock speed adjustment factor (in 8ths, from 8/8ths to 23/8ths)
uint8_t myspeedmultiplierQ5_3 = ((((PRNG16 & 0xFF)>>4) + (PRNG16 & 0x0F)) & 0x0F) + 0x08;
uint32_t myclock30 = (uint32_t)((clock32 * myspeedmultiplierQ5_3) >> 3) + myclockoffset16;
uint8_t myunique8 = PRNG16 >> 8; // get 'salt' value for this pixel
// We now have the adjusted 'clock' for this pixel, now we call
// the function that computes what color the pixel should be based
// on the "brightness = f( time )" idea.
CRGB c = computeOneTwinkle( myclock30, myunique8);
uint8_t cbright = c.getAverageLight();
int16_t deltabright = cbright - backgroundBrightness;
if( deltabright >= 32 || (!bg)) {
// If the new pixel is significantly brighter than the background color,
// use the new color.
pixel = c;
} else if( deltabright > 0 ) {
// If the new pixel is just slightly brighter than the background color,
// mix a blend of the new color and the background color
pixel = blend( bg, c, deltabright * 8);
} else {
// if the new pixel is not at all brighter than the background color,
// just use the background color.
pixel = bg;
void LavaTwinkle::coolLikeIncandescent( CRGB& c, uint8_t phase)
if( phase < 128) return;
uint8_t cooling = (phase - 128) >> 4;
c.g = qsub8( c.g, cooling);
c.b = qsub8( c.b, cooling * 2);
// This function takes a time in pseudo-milliseconds,
// figures out brightness = f( time ), and also hue = f( time )
// The 'low digits' of the millisecond time are used as
// input to the brightness wave function.
// The 'high digits' are used to select a color, so that the color
// does not change over the course of the fade-in, fade-out
// of one cycle of the brightness wave function.
// The 'high digits' are also used to determine whether this pixel
// should light at all during this cycle, based on the TWINKLE_DENSITY.
CRGB computeOneTwinkle( uint32_t ms, uint8_t salt)
uint16_t ticks = ms >> (8-TWINKLE_SPEED);
uint8_t fastcycle8 = ticks;
uint16_t slowcycle16 = (ticks >> 8) + salt;
slowcycle16 += sin8( slowcycle16);
slowcycle16 = (slowcycle16 * 2053) + 1384;
uint8_t slowcycle8 = (slowcycle16 & 0xFF) + (slowcycle16 >> 8);
uint8_t bright = 0;
if( ((slowcycle8 & 0x0E)/2) < TWINKLE_DENSITY) {
bright = attackDecayWave8( fastcycle8);
uint8_t hue = slowcycle8 - salt;
if( bright > 0) {
c = ColorFromPalette( gCurrentPalette, hue, bright, NOBLEND);
coolLikeIncandescent( c, fastcycle8);
} else {
c = CRGB::Black;
return c;
// This function is like 'triwave8', which produces a
// symmetrical up-and-down triangle sawtooth waveform, except that this
// function produces a triangle wave with a faster attack and a slower decay:
// / \
// / \
// / \
// / \
uint8_t attackDecayWave8( uint8_t i)
if( i < 86) {
return i * 3;
} else {
i -= 86;
return 255 - (i + (i/2));
// This function takes a pixel, and if its in the 'fading down'
// part of the cycle, it adjusts the color a little bit like the
// way that incandescent bulbs fade toward 'red' as they dim.
// A palette reminiscent of large 'old-school' C9-size tree lights
// in the five classic colors: red, orange, green, blue, and white.
#define C9_Red 0xB80400
#define C9_Orange 0x902C02
#define C9_Green 0x046002
#define C9_Blue 0x070758
#define C9_White 0x606820
const TProgmemRGBPalette16 RetroC9_p FL_PROGMEM =
{ C9_Red, C9_Orange, C9_Red, C9_Orange,
C9_Orange, C9_Red, C9_Orange, C9_Red,
C9_Green, C9_Green, C9_Green, C9_Green,
C9_Blue, C9_Blue, C9_Blue,
// Add or remove palette names from this list to control which color
// palettes are used, and in what order.
const TProgmemRGBPalette16* ActivePaletteList[] = {
// Advance to the next color palette in the list (above).
void LavaTwinkle::chooseNextColorPalette( CRGBPalette16& pal)
const uint8_t numberOfPalettes = sizeof(ActivePaletteList) / sizeof(ActivePaletteList[0]);
static uint8_t whichPalette = -1;
whichPalette = addmod8( whichPalette, 1, numberOfPalettes);
pal = *(ActivePaletteList[whichPalette]);
The errors I keep getting are
In member function 'void LavaTwinkle::drawTwinkles(CRGBSet&)':
LavaTwinkle.h:91:14: error: 'computeOneTwinkle' was not declared in this scope
CRGB c = computeOneTwinkle( myclock30, myunique8);
In function 'CRGB computeOneTwinkle(uint32_t, uint8_t)':
LavaTwinkle.h:139:14: error: 'attackDecayWave8' was not declared in this scope
bright = attackDecayWave8( fastcycle8);
LavaTwinkle.h:148:7: error: 'coolLikeIncandescent' was not declared in this scope
coolLikeIncandescent( c, fastcycle8);
LavaTwinkle.h:148:7: note: suggested alternative: 'CoolWhiteFluorescent'
coolLikeIncandescent( c, fastcycle8);
I know this means they need to be stated elsewhere (like the setup? before the setup?) I just... don't know where. Or what variable to use and stuff.
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!