I'm assuming you would be using more than one ESP8266?
If so, and as you said it would be in an outside environment, I think the DS18B20 temperature sensor would be a good choice, as it's waterproof and provides 12 bit resolution if needed. DS18B20 also uses oneWire communication and each sensor has a unique 64-bit serial code, so you can label the sensors in each location and use that as reference to identify what sensors' data you are viewing. You can then associate a specific serial code to a specific location in your code, and use that during data transfer.
I would have an ESP connected to each sensor as a slave and have them send the data to a master ESP8266, that way you have all the data in a single board. You can also see what ESP board is sending the data.
You should also probably use an RTC for the timing, I'd recommend something like a DS3231 which has a TCXO for accurate timekeeping (~+-1 minute per year in the right conditions). As you are new, I'm assuming you don't know what a TCXO is. It stands for Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator. The DS3231 has a temperature sensor integrated into it to adjust the frequency of the crystal oscillator, which is used for timekeeping.
If you use ESPNOW, If what I'm reading online is correct, you don't need a wifi connection to connect the ESP8266's to one another. I've never used LoRa or GSM, but you could add an SD card module to the master ESP8266 and store all of the data on the SD card if wifi isn't available and you cannot connect to an online server.
Also, if WiFi is available, you could connect the master ESP8266 to an NTP server and calibrate the RTC's to the time that was retrieved from the server.
One more thing, you can create a web server/database on the ESP8266 master. I'm in the process of doing this- I'm using CSS, HTML and javascript all in an ESP on the Arduino IDE. That way, you can run a server/database directly where you are receiving data. If WiFi isn't available, store the data on the SD card, when WiFi is available, send the data from the SD card to the server/database (you can create a database on the ESP8266 via Arduino IDE using PHP and MySQL) and continue sending data to the server or database for as long as WiFi is available.
Edit: ESP-NOW has a range of around 220 metres, so if you need anything longer range then I’d consider some sort of RF