This is just a hello post so that I can post an image in the troubleshooting section :
And this is a reply so I can post a link!
TRying to get ethernet to work ...
hello also...
to post a link..
same reason
This is hello, just to say I am in Bengaluru (India) this week. Just been sent here from work for two days. I fly back tomorrow.
It's probably hotter in the UK than it is in India right now!
Yes you are right, it was 25C when I left India yesterday and was 28C in the UK. Thing is I never even saw any of that heat as I was bundled from one air conditioned place to another. I even took a cardigan to ware.
Dang! It's only 27 here in Dallas. But, it's supposed to be hot here. I feel bad for you UK folks.
- Brian
Hello from Madrid (Spain).
I need to post some links too...
Going to post about our upcoming workshop in London in July - if anyone's interested read more about it in the workshops section please!
Hello from San Diego California.
Stay classy Arduinauts
Hi there... From the Great State of Nebraska.
Hello from SEG shenzhen, China!
One from me, to post a link.
Another to post a link
My first message. So I can use an URL in the next message.
There is an easy work-around:
- Post your first post without the link/image.
- Hit the edit button and insert link/image.
- Save edited post.
- Tadaah.
Me to haha. =)
Hi from the IxDA Dublin.