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I am a web designer, web developer, content writer, digital marketer, mobile app developer, Graphic designer. I have my own startup D5websoft provide ecomerce web solutions. Glad to join this space, love to participate in discussions and love to connect with people here from around the world.

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Do you have Arduino projects allready, if so please share!

I am a web designer, web developer, content writer, digital marketer, mobile app developer, Graphic designer.

Don't worry - no-one's sins are completely irredeemable


I am a web designer, web developer, content writer, digital marketer, mobile app developer, Graphic designer. I have my own startup D5websoft provide ecomerce web solutions. Glad to join this space, love to participate in discussions and love to connect with people here from around the world.

Thank you

Here's one thing you may want to consider looking into which I've been considering myself for a long time. As you'll see over time, both Arduino boards and programmable Wi-Fi boards have become pretty cheap, opening lots of IOT doors for both hobbyists and product developers. And of course with a free DNS service and a little understanding of port forwarding in your home router, it's possible to reach your in-house devices from anywhere.

But there is a fly in the ointment, especially for smart phones, which of course are the most desirable monitoring and control devices. The problem is the expense and registration hassles to build an app, and put it up on the Google Play or Itunes App stores. Besides having to develop twice, Apple (as you know) can be a pain. Now there are a few companies selling products for building apps, and I think at least one is promising to finally have an IOS version soon. But I think there's a better way (or at least an easier alternative), which would be to simply allow monitoring and control via web pages, running your own web server.

Its been over 20 years since I coded systems for electric utilities, and even back then was able to somewhat demonstrate the feasibility of a web page that displayed digital states and analog readings, and permitted control via mouse driven events, using a very crude Java based "shared byte array" applet.

Don't ask me to remember all the details or the hair I pulled out of my head getting it to work. My point is, with the tools available today (like Ajax), most of which even some pretty old phone based browsers can work with, it certainly should be a lot easier to build a tool to allow the creation of simple web pages, which could be used to allow monitoring and control to be passed to and from a project.

Granted, with the limited memory in the Arduino platform, I'm sure the big trick would be to generate very compact code that could be served up. Good chance the actual web server would have to be PC based, with the control and monitoring passed back and fourth from PC to arduino project with a simple TCP/IP connection and short command strings. But even that would be a major accomplishment!

For one thing, it would not require any app registration, any futzing or fess associated with Google Play or Apple, and anyone with a browser (on any device) could interact with the project. Naturally some security would need to be there too, but that's pretty easy stuff too.

Give it some thought! It might be a good product, which at a reasonable cost, a lot of folks would buy.