Hello, new guy here.

I wanted to introduce myself and be a little more personal with the community. Hi there. I'm Junkyard Pixel. I'm a complete newbie to this stuff and my math is terrible. But I want to better myself and looking to start my two year degree in electronics engineering in about a year. I have a strong interest in video games and the ultimate goal would be arcade machines.

I'd really like to get to know more of you or if you want to know about me, that's fine too. I'm pretty excite to get started.

Good morning Mr. Pixel.
Your mission Junkyard, should you choose to accept it, is to study all these links.

Some things to read:









As always, should you be caught or killed, the Moderator will disavow any knowledge of your actions.


Or you could start with something simple like the example programs that come with the Arduino IDE !


Thanks for all the links larryd. Ive watched a few already.

Ive got a starter kit bit I haven't done much with it at this point. But I'll change that.

Hi JY!


It's really, really important in engineering school to be fluent in math, particularly arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and finite math.