hello, new to arduino ;)

hello guys, I'm from Greece, I just learned some stuff about arduino from a friend of mine and I find it really amazing

I want to get started and learn more about arduino, I have been coding for some years in C programming language but I know nothing about arduino, what's the best way to get started?

thanks everyone

First, you need an Arduino. :wink:

Actually, first you need a project idea. Something you are passionate about - music, RC cars, CNC machine, anything that is of interest to you.

That project will dictate what else you need to acquire - sensors, switches, transistors, etc.

It's a fun hobby. But, be prepared to spend 10 times as much as you think you will. :wink:

But, be prepared to spend 10 times as much as you think you will.

Man, that is sure the truth! ;D

hey guys i found in arduino website a greek shop that sells arduino

which one should I buy?





thanks in advance

which one should I buy?

You haven't told us what you want to do with it. PaulS had the right points in his reply above. Tell us what projects you would like to do before we can advise you more.

i want to start from simple things implementing everything that is sugested in the tutorials and then maybe use my imagination to create other things too :slight_smile:

Start with the kit, #19, then. You can add more sensors, motors, etc. when you get a better sense of what you want to do.

The ethernet shield probably won't be needed for a while.

Assuming you have done Blink and some of the serial stuff - Shift registers extra IO for your pins, little cost. I would do a binary counter on them first. Then maybe move on the making programs for a GLCD, as you are a programmer I don't think that programming will be the issue...

Actually, first you need a project idea. Something you are passionate about - music, RC cars, CNC machine, anything that is of interest to you.

you forgot random blinky thingy!