Help 6050 int servo Project

Hello to all
I would like to make a couple of questions
I have a one and a Arduino giroscopiogyo 521
I would like to explain my project that I have long been in the lead and only Arduino can '
I am a beginner and do not know where to search library to modify some project
Practically I should control 2 motor servants attached to a cosplay armor war machine! the cannon
The changes that I would like they did would be pushing a switch from the rest position (gun that looks up to 90 degrees) did a 90 degree movement, and he left the gyroscope that will get placed in the helmet so when I move my head up and down and right and left the cannon then moves Pull back the switch or pulse returns to the rest position!
Can you direct me to something similar or advice on how to achieve it? I followed several tutorials on how to program Arduino but it is either too early or am I that I have limits! (Likely)