Help about RFM69HCW

Hello everyone, I am trying to communicate two RFM69HCW. I use Arduino nano and uno. I have two Bidirectional Logic Level Converters and 3.3V, 5V power supply(MB‐102).
I have two 434 Mhz module and two 868 Mhz module. I tried like 434 to 434 and 868 to 868 but ı could not connect.
I use the descriptions, connections and software in the hookup-guide site.
Firstly Why is 433 MHz written in the code section? I wrote on arduino as #define FREQUENCY RF69_433MHZ for 434 Mhz

I did not get any kind of communication. when I check the current of the transmitter I see 130 mA and this value is not falling down.

I also measured the voltage of 13 12 11 10 pins. No pin is exactly 5 volts, 13. pin voltage 0 volts ,some about 3 volts. Sometimes I get no ACK without strange sign but sometimes I see strange signs on the serial port screen. I really have to solve this problem. Does anyone have an idea ?

picture for strange serial port:

İs there somebody to help me ?

Perhaps you'll get more interest if you post your circuit diagram, close-up photos of your wiring, and your code.

Actually my circuit just like "RFM69HCW Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn" connections desciriptions but I will take foto as soon as. İf somebody have an idea, please post your idea :slight_smile:

RFM69HCW Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn
I use the descriptions, connections and software in the hookup-guide site.
Firstly Why is 433 MHz written in the code section? I wrote on arduino as #define FREQUENCY RF69_433MHZ for 434 Mhz

I did not get any kind of communication. when I check the current of the transmitter I see 130 mA and this value is not falling down.

Sparkfun wrote the tutorial and code, maybe try asking them ?

I have already written in the comment section of the website but they have not answered yet

check your connections again. maybe try switching the MISO and MOSI connections

How do you power the radio modules? Did you connect the grounds between the arduino and the modules?

Are you checking the return value of radio.initialize? The sparkfun code doesn’t...


check your connections again. maybe try switching the MISO and MOSI connections

Should I just change the pin connections?

How do you power the radio modules? Did you connect the grounds between the arduino and the modules?

Are you checking the return value of radio.initialize? The sparkfun code doesn’t...


I gave power to the module with the following card that is google pictures

And could you explain to me that how can i check the return value of radio.initialize and what should i understand after the checking

You need to post your code, and your circuit, or it is going to be really difficult for anyone to help you.

Radio.initialize will return 0 aka false if it fails, if that happens you know you don’t have things hooked up properly.

And you need to make sure that the arduino ground and the radio ground are connected.
