Ive tried searching the forums but cant find the help I need. Im running a 2015 macbook running Mojave. I just dusted off my original Arduboy yesterday and learned how to upload games. I downloaded the IDE and got it all set up. I was able to connect the board and port just fine and put a new game on it. So it worked fine! I unplugged and went on my day! Got home that night to plug in and put a new game in, but now when I plug in the Arduboy, IDE doesnt recognize the port! All I see is a bluetooth port option, but not the leonardo port like this morning. Not sure what happened, or how to fix it. Ive deleted the IDE application and reinstalled and still is doing the same thing.
Hi @arcadejacob. Make sure the USB cable is completely plugged into both the Arduboy and the PC.
If that doesn't help, you may have a damaged/defective or charge-only USB cable. Try a different cable.
Either of the above can result in the power connections being made (so don't assume it being powered proves that the USB connection is good), but no data connections (and thus no port for the board).
Tried 3 different micro usb cords still the same thing. The weird part is that it worked the first time with my original cord, so I don't know whats going on.
Due to the USB stack running on the same microcontroller as your sketch with this board, it is possible for code in the sketch (i.e., the game program) to break the USB functionality. So that last new game you uploaded might have had some code in it that caused this problem where the port no longer appears.
Fortunately, the program that handles uploads (bootloader) is stored in a separate section of memory and can not be broken by the sketch code.
The only tricky thing is that the bootloader has to be activated at just the right time during the upload. Normally this is done by some special code that runs in the background of your sketch code recognizing a 1200 baud connection as the signal to reset the microcontroller and start the bootloader. However, in your current situation, that system won't work so you'll need to manually reset the board to activate the bootloader.
You need to get the timing right. If you press the reset button too early, the bootloader will have already timed out by the time the upload starts. The tricky thing is that when you press the "Upload" button in the Arduino IDE, it first compiles your sketch before starting the actual upload. So you need to wait until after the compilation finishes before pressing the reset button.
Try this:
- Prepare to reset the Arduboy by using a tool to press the reset button.
ⓘIf you don't know how to press the reset button, it is shown in this video - Select Sketch > Upload from the Arduino IDE menus.
- Watch the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window until you see something like this:
Sketch uses 444 bytes (1%) of program storage space. Maximum is 30720 bytes. Global variables use 9 bytes (0%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2039 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2048 bytes.
- Immediately press and release the reset button on the Arduboy.
After that, the sketch should upload successfully.
If the problem persists after a successful upload, you know there is something in your sketch that is breaking the USB functionality. You can verify this by uploading the File > New Sketch sketch, after which the board should be recognized by your computer and you should be able to upload normally. If the problem is in your sketch, you will need to find out what it is in your sketch breaking the USB code.
Now that you know how to recover your board, that should be manageable.
It worked! I held down "up and down" on the Arduboy while I reset it. It stayed resetting in bootloader. Then I uploaded "Hello world" program at the right moment and it uploaded it! Now the port is recognized and a new game is uploaded! THANK YOU!
You are welcome. I'm glad it is working now.
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