Dear all.
Nice to join arduino world, I am totaly new having very basic knowledge about arduino programming,
first i let you know how much i know about arduino ok
- i can able to blink leds by using digital o/p pins in arduino thats it.
i am working on a arduino project to operat...........4 relays via bluetooth android app...... to on/off home devices like fan & lights.
Components i have
- arduino uno
- HC-05 bt module
- 4 channel 12V DC Relay card
- Android app ( ArduDroid, Blue Term, Arduino Bluetooth control device, S2 Terminal)
- Android Mobile Phone Android Version 4.4.2
- wires etc.
- Please any one can write a programming sketch for me so that i can operate relays via mobile using any one of mention android app only.
- Circuit pic is attached for your reffrence.
my mail id ""
Thanks for reading hope someone can help me because world is full of good peoples ....
thank you very much