While running my arduino uno R3 off of a 9v power supply using the vin and ground pins I think I inverted power.I guess i blew the regulator because it wont use the DC jack or the vin pin anymore but it works over usb and a regulated 5v into the 5v pin. Also I can upload programs. However if its running from 5v or usb it eventually shuts itself off (LED 13 and On light go out). It seems if I let it sit for a while It will run for longer and then once it dies if i remove power and re apply it starts dying faster and faster until I let it sit for a while. Is there anything I can do? Any suggestions would be great, Thanks
fixed it! I guess
I was feeling around on the board while it was plugged in but dead and when i touched this component it would turn on but if i left my finger there for too long it would get hot. So i soldered a bent paper clip from one end of the part to the other.
Red is what I did with a paperclip
With the paperclip there it doesn't feel hot and the board now works fine. I have no idea what the component I bypassed does I assume its for the regulator but I couldn't find anything online. If anyone has any information on it let me know
Right - now see if you can figure out how to use Attachments and Other Options to Attach your picture so we can see it.
Schematic & other docs can be found on the Products page.
There, now its uploaded right