Help! Assistance Needed

Help!!!! how would i make this program to run on my arduino? can anyone finish the coding?


using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int variable1;
int variable2;
int answer;
int solution;
int qNo = 0;
int correct = 0;
int wrong = 0;
int a;

while(qNo != 3)
variable1 = rand()%10 + 1;
variable2 = rand()%10 + 1;

cout<<variable1<<" + "<<variable2<<endl;
cout<<"Enter your solution: ";
solution = variable1 + variable2;
if(answer == solution)

cout<<"You have answered "<<correct<<" questions correct!"<<endl;
cout<<"You have answered "<<wrong<<" questions worng!"<<endl;
cout << "You got " << correct <<" right and " << wrong << " wrong"<< endl<< endl;
cout<<"Enter 0 to exit"<<endl;
if(a == 0)

return 0;


I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you.

But maybe, just maybe, if you included the important details (such as how the user is going to input data and where the display output is going to go), someone might decide to help.

Read some Arduino tutorials.
Change main to loop
Change the way you randomize to the arduino way
Change input and output to the Arduino way

Now, you're pretty much there.

umm the thing is i know how to code using C but i dont know how and where i put the codes for the arduino libraries. i dont know where to start and finish.... plus run the code with the arduino processor?

umm the thing is i know how to code using C

Excellent! It should be fairly easy for you to work with an Arduino.

but i dont know how and where i put the codes for the arduino libraries

In the world of Arduino, programs are called a Sketch.

A Sketch has the basic structure...

void setup( void )
// Called once when the Arduino is turned on

void loop( void )
// Called after setup and forever more

i dont know where to start

See above.

and finish....

"Finish" is turning off the power or uploading a new Sketch.

plus run the code with the arduino processor?

Do you have an Arduino? Have you downloaded and installed the IDE?