HELP!! CAN Bus + Hybrid Battery System + LCD + Uno

Hello all,

I'm new here and have done my fair share of looking around. Although I'm just getting into things, I've already bought a couple of Uno's, a Nano, a Nokia 5510 LCD, Several Adafruit NeoPixel RGB LEDs and two Seeedstudio CAN Bus shields.

Here's my problem: Some friends and I have built a hybrid car at our University, and it uses a Battery Management System that spits out status information via CAN. The car works fine, but since this isn't a normal vehicle, I cant just use OBD II PID's to find out what I need. I've hooked up Vector CANoe and have gotten some screenshots (below), but I need to figure out how I can read this one CAN Message (bcm_soc) and output the current SOC to the LCD I've ordered. The next step is to change the RGB LEDs from green (100% SOC) to red (0% SOC). I'm pretty sure I can get this part figured out if I can get someone to please help me with reading this CAN message and putting it on the LCD. You'll see below that the SOC has a hex value of C4, which is 196 in decimal. Dividing by 2 gives the actual value of 98%. The SOC value decrements by 0.5%. If you need any other information, please let me know.


Here is a screenshot for information: