Help changing font in IDE

I want to change the font the IDE uses. There is a new free font from Adobe called Source Code Pro. They have two flavors, .ttf and .oft. I installed the oft on my Windows 7 PC. Then I opened up the Arduino preferences file and changed font to:
editor.font=Source Code Pro,plain,12

I saved and restarted the IDE, but it changed it back to:

Then I tried changing it to:

But the IDE always changes it back to monospaced after I restart. Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong? Should I have installed the TTF versions instead of OFT?

I can confirm that the TTF works, but I think I'll stick with Lucida Console.

Did you have the IDE open while editing the preferences file? When you close the IDE, it updates the preferences file with whatever all the current (to the IDE) values are.

Did you have the IDE open while editing the preferences file? When you close the IDE, it updates the preferences file with whatever all the current (to the IDE) values are.

Yes, I had the IDE open. So I tried changing the font with the IDE closed and that solved the problem of the font not getting saved in preferences.txt, but the new font still wasn't being used. So I uninstalled the oft fonts, installed the ttf version and used this line in the preferences file:
editor.font=Source Code Pro,plain,12

And now it works!

Hi, I tried to change editor font too but it is still same, although on preferences.txt file font stays same what I changed it (editor.font=Consolas,plain,12). What I did wrong, can someone help me with that?

OK found solution, its in C:\Users\USER\AppData\Roaming\Arduino15\preferences.txt :stuck_out_tongue:

I am trying to change IDE to Darker font. I edit preferences.txt to Monospace,bold,30 but it appears that 'Bold' is not valid option. Is there a darker font that I can use on my 28" 4k monitor? The dark font of this forum editor is nice.