Please help choose the servo for my tasks. I need a rc/robotic servo to rotate 360 degrees. Moment to greater than 10 kg / cm.
I want to use it as a stepper motor for positioning with accuracy of 1 - 5 degrees. If the accuracy is better then it is excellent.
The problem is that I have learned that not all 360 rc/robotic servo can be fitted exactly in position, but only the speed and direction of rotation.
zoomkat, for this servo i can use command like:
myservo.write(10); // set 10 angle
myservo.write(90); // set 90 angle
myservo.write(350); // set 350 angle
Torque is force x distance, not force / distance.
And it grinds my gears (as they say on 9gag) that servo makers actually quote torque in kg (which in the first place is mass not force) and don't even bother with the distance part... so as I understand it, a torque spec of "6.9kg" actually means "6.9 kg cm"