Im starting a project, that will controll my smart home via arduino Touch screen. Smart home is working already but i have to controll it via smartphone or phisical buttons. I want to make that touchscreen near computer to have Clock + smart home controll in one place. All smart home control is done by API(just send http request to close blinders, turn off light etc. That I can handle.
I need help finding good and not expensive Touch screen.
Im targeting araund 7'
Can You point me some hardware that is fairly easy to use with arduino, has a good library and community around it?
Im gonna use NodeMCE v3 or Wemos D1 R2 as a constroller.
is this any good:
I will be greatfull for any tips
Remove your shoes and socks.
Ask your friend to remove her shoes and socks.
Count the total number of fingers and toes.
Then count how many GPIO pins are available on a Wemos D1 R2
If you really want to use a low pin count controller, you need to use an intelligent display e.g. FTDI, Nextion, ...
You can use an unintelligent SPI display but a big screen needs a LOT of traffic which can get painful with SPI.
But seriously, 7 inches is more than most people have or need.
I has to be big, son I can easly constrol everything.
I dont have to be plain ESP8266 I can use Arduino Mega as a controller and connect it to nodeMCE etc.
In that case what would You choose?
What you want is a RA8875 7" 800x480 display with touch.They are not cheap and somewhat hard to use. I have been using a 5" 800x480 for my final year project and it uses just 6 pins for the display and touch via hardware SPI, amazing !!
the displays cost between 25 to £40 and the RA8875 driver board is £38.
Here's what i have it doing so far link below, i have made custom fonts and even icons in a font so i can scale them - change their color. created custom graphs, keyboards, buttons, toggle boxes, menus and so on.
The 800x480 size obviously takes the longest to display so you have to make your own refresh methods i.e. draw a square over the value, the square being as small as possible so just covering the text, and its best to check if the value has changed else there is no need to refresh said value or page.
my project so far It's recorded in HD but youtube is taking ages to do the processing
I will look it up.
From what Ia can see in that movie the 5' version should be enough.
I nitices that this LCD is rather slow in refresh. Is that problem for All displays on SPI?
Yes it is the case with spi displays as the amount of pixels increase the speed decreases if you was to use something like a 128x64 OLED it would be a lot quicker then as this display is 800 x 480 the speed is much slower but as I said it's just the initial printing of the screen that it's slow refreshing the values are much quicker as it's only so many bytes to send just the value to the screen. That being said you can get screens of the same size with a lot less pixel density 400 x 240, in that video I am always refreshing the main content except the graph and keyboard, which it's a bad idea by next week I will change is so every value is checked to see if they have changed and if so print said value thus speeding up the refresh by 4 times or more. That display that you linked will run very fast but we require 40 pins to be connected to an Arduino Mega maybe 36 excluding SD card. I have one and they are very nice but again they leave you very very few pins for sensors and other functionality.
It should be said it's not the display that is slow it's that the Arduino has to send loads of data over 1 wire. if each pixel is equal to a bit and there is 800x480 pixels = 384,000 bits / 8 = 48,000 bytes. That's if you was to fill the whole page such as draw a massive Square covering entire page. Even so just drawing something that covers a quarter of the page at that pixel density still take some time.