Hi guys and gals,
I was wondering if anyone could help three mechanical engineers with a robotics project we were assigned without any coding experience by our professor.
We are currently using a setup of an arduino UNO Rev 3, USB host shield v2.0, seeed motor shield, a ZettaGuard wireless receiver plugged into the usb, and a xbox 360 controller.
We are trying to run two R550 motors from banebots to make a robot that uses one joy stick in order to control the direction and speed that the robot will be outputting. I expect the code to use a throttle gain on each wheel in order to turn like a tank which should be good enough.
If I could get a full code for this or example code for this with the contributors name, so that we can recognize them for their coding, I would be happy. The example code if it is not a full code I would hope you would explain what each part would do.
Thank you