More detail on the title: I want to be able to press a button which will activate a motor with a pulley. Said pulley will have an item hanging from fishing line on it (item may weigh a half pound). The second button press should reverse the motion, pulling the item back up. Oh, and it should play a little song on button press.
I'm an electronics noob but I really want to learn, I'm just hitting paralysis on how to put this together. I have the following parts (some may be superfluous):
TT Motor Bi-Metal Gearbox (3VDC - 6VDC)
TT Motor Pulley
3xAA Battery Holder (do I connect this to the arduino to power the components??)
Mini Metal Speaker
Big Red Button (no need to power the LED)
Arduino Nano Every (do I need a motor driver??)
Adafruit CRICKIT (plus a Male DC Power adapter - not sure if either of these are relevant)
I must sound like quite the rookie - not a school assignment! I’m in my 30’s lol, just new to electronics.
I don’t have a sketch (would that be of the various components I’ve outlined?). No code written at this point. I’m a software developer, so I was planning on giving that a stab myself before asking for help.
I’m really just looking for direction as to how to make these various physical parts connect. And if I didn’t mention it before, I have access to a breadboard, wires, gator clips, etc.
I don't even know where to start or if I have the right components to start. I'm trying to start with the motor but these two questions are holding me back:
Yes, you will definitely need some type of a "driver". A microcontroller cannot typically put out enough power to a motor from its own pins. The driver can be a transistor or a purpose built motor driver, of which there are many.
As to whether you have sufficient power from 3xAA cells (4.5V) depends on the speed at which you want to drive the motor. With a 1/2 lb weight, it probably won't hurt to try.
Take a look at this link from Adafruit. Also keep in mind that the pin outs will be different (this one uses an Uno).
You can use what you have to get the physical construction done and tested. You only need to have a solid mount for the motor and add the pulley and the fishing line and test the motor with the battery supply. Until this works, there is no reason to go any further.