Help connecting LED strip


I want to experiment with a LED strip to see if it would fit with a project of mine. I'm a begginer so I'm unsure as to how I'd go about doing that. Most projects I've found online deal with 12V strips and use MOSFETS (or some substitute them with Darlington transistors?).

However, the LED strip I have is 24V. Is that appropriate? While the Arduino can handle up to 12V, it should be fine if I connect it to an external power source, right? And I read somewhere that addressable LED strips don't need MOSFETs. Is that true? I'm 90% sure the LED strip I'm going to be using is addressable.

Besides my questions, I'd be very grateful for any help on how to wire the breadboard. How different would the wiring be between a 12V versus a 24V strip?

I'm going to be using a Phillips Hue Lightstrip Plus and an Arduino Uno board, if that makes any difference.

Thank you.

Inferior to MOSFETs for this purpose.

Appropriate for what?

You can't power an Uno with 24V

Yes. On addressable strips, each led contains it's own MOSFETs.

You need to be 100% confident.

Probably no different, in terms of powering the strip. But perhaps very different for powering the Arduino.

But a breadboard won't be suitable at all if your strip draws more than about 1 amp.

Of course it makes a difference! There are, as I think you already know, many different types of LED strip. Post a link to the specs of the strip.

No problem using logic level N-channel MOSFETs.

Explain that. It sounds wrong. Using transistors and Arduino can handle any voltage.

Connect what?

Read the datasheet. It's possible that some LEDs have driver transistors onboard. Be careful and don't believe in "general rules".

No difference at all because You don't ever run the LED current through a breadboard unless You want to create smoke signals.

Please post links to the datasheets of the devices You will use.

I don't think these are Arduino compatible.

Thank you for you explanations! I don't know much about electronics I'm afraid. I'm doing this for a class.

I was talking about powering the strip there.

Oops. Oh well. That's a bust.

If you want to control a strip, get a ws2812 strip, and a 5V power supply with enough current capacity for the strip, which is maximum 50~60mA per led. Also a couple of other small components. Probably cost a lot less than that Phillips kit.

There's a good tutorial on Adafruit's website. Adafruit call ws2812 strips "neopixel" strips.

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