HELP!! Electrical impulses in plants_Pulsum Plantae_circuit prototype problems


I am trying to make a prototype circuit based on the Pulsum Plantae circuit. GitHub - Lessnullvoid/Pulsum-Plantae: Pulsum Plantae is a project focused on bioelectrical activity readings from different types of plants. Using their perceptual skills as biosensors, amplifying the signals to be sent to a microncontrolador and to work with them in a process of experimental sonification.
The serial read doesn't seem to make any sense.
Attached are images of the board as I have set it up, a sketch of what I think the schematic should be and upper and lower images of the actual Pulsum board.

HELP!! Where am I going wrong?!



What is happening and do You want to happend? What is not working?

What is the mysterious unlabeled red bug in the middle of this?

It looks like a 14- legged bug.......

Quad op amp, I know... but why red? The embarrassment of being unlabeled? :slight_smile:

For the novice they're all the same?

LM324N, its in the other pics

There's the code, I'm not sure whats going on