Help, first robot confusion

Okay so I need to build a robot for my next 4-H club meeting. I decided on a rather large project that seems easy at the same time. I want to build a boxing robot! I just really need to know which arduino, hobby motors, and motor shield to buy. I really only want this project to use two motors so I am basing both of its arms on this design. Boxing robot arm mock-up - YouTube

Thank you, and if I posted this in the wrong forum let me know!

I don't really want to steer you the wrong way with recommending any specific shields or drivers as they all have their own specific uses and capabilities.

I will give you a tip.. that boxing arm on the link you posted controlled by a servo. Servos are relatively cheap and easy to control from an arduino. For just two servos you wont even need a shield. Just an arduino and a power source.

I got an Arduino Mega for half at Radio DShack and am ordering some servos soon, thanks for the advice!

Umm okay so if I get two of these servo motors I don't have to get a shield.

Also how what spots in the Arduino would the wires go in?

Servos need an external power supply similar to below.


Analog Feedback Standard-Size Servo : ID 1404 : Adafruit Industries, Unique & fun DIY electronics and kits
Also how what spots in the Arduino would the wires go in?

Follow the "learn" link from that page and you'll see: the control wire goes into a digital pin as always and the feedback wire into an analog one.

Most servos don't have that feedback wire.....

So in short will it work or not, and what power supply would you suggest.

Also what is the difference between a continous servo and just a regular servo.

Also what is the difference between a continous servo and just a regular servo.

I assume by boxing robot you mean it continuously "punches" whatever's placed in front of it. If that's the case I recommend you use a simple dc motor attached to a crankshaft mechanism. You can get gearbox kits to create these types of things rather easily. :grin:

I assume by boxing robot you mean it continuously "punches" whatever's placed in front of it. If that's the case I recommend you use a simple dc motor attached to a crankshaft mechanism. You can get gearbox kits to create these types of things rather easily. :grin:

What do you mean, can you attach a pictures, and you right all I want it to do is continually punch.

Servos need an external power supply similar to below.

Where does the ground wire go from the motor?