Help for use of Uno in Car PC Project

Good morning all :).

I have just received an Arduino Uno and ordered an Arduino Nano. I would very much like to use these in my Car PC Project. The plan is to have analogue inputs such as:

  • the steering wheel resistive ladder for Vol+, Vol- etc. using a simulated keyboard press
  • a converted heated switch variable resisted for quick screen changes (ignored after each first instance until changed)
  • and maybe add light sensors, accelerometers and incliometers later :slight_smile:

Digital output to switch relays, in particular Amp remote to delay until the USB soundcard has taken full control.

Can anyone possible offer some advice as coding isn't my strong point.

BTW, my car project is to see where I'm at :).

Thanks in advance,

Can anyone possible offer some advice as coding isn't my strong point.

Start by going through examples to see the basics of how things are controlled and sensors are read. Start Small. Get one device working and build from there. Use Google to see if anyone has done what you're trying to do first (chances are, its been done before) and learn from others. If you get stuck, make a post in the Programming Questions sections and be sure to follow the advice given on the "How to use this forum - Please Read"

Thanks, seems like the best way forward :).
