Hello. My son has been given a Iventr. io 30 days lost in space kit for his Christmas present. As part of the instructions we have downloaded the Arduino software and plugged in the Inventr.io Hero board via USB however it does not seem to be connecting.
Inventr. Io says to select it as an Arduino Uno board which we have done but according to what I have read there should be an option on the Tools menu which says 'port' which is missing.
When we plug the board into the computer it is flashing red so I know power is getting to it and the USB port works for other devices. I am not technical at all and getting very confused with different instructions on what I need to do to get the board recognised. I have tried restting by pressing it twice, changing USB ports, shutting everything down and starting it all up again. Some help would be much appreciated.
Hello. Thanks for your response. I am using the USB cable that came with the kit my son got for his Christmas so would assume it’s not just a charge only one. Many thanks
That is not a troubleshooting mentality. Wouldn't you rather try another one and find out for sure, rather than assume? Then you can confidently move on to the next possibility.
From photos of the board it looks like a customized Uno or Uno clone, and appears to be using a CH340 or similar USB/serial chip which may require a driver to be installed. Since there seems to be no datasheet or instructions available on the website (without creating an account at least) it is difficult to know exactly what components it has on-board and therefore to be more specific with advice.
It is worth trying another cable just as already suggested in case the one supplied is faulty. If that makes no difference, check out the other troubleshooting steps and check the documentation with the kit to confirm whether it needs a driver and if so, then follow the manufacturers instructions for installing it.