Help going from a basic RGB LED to a 3w LED

So below is the layout i'm using. I'm trying to use this but replace the LED with a Star 3w LED. Does anyone know how i can do this. I have seen people add in N-channel FET or something like that to do this but i havn't found anything layouts that show how it all goes together.

Thank you for any help with this.

This is not as simple as you think. High power leds need a constant current driver or power supply because they get hot and this affects their forward voltage. Most constant current drivers do not have pwm control inputs.

Sparkfun make something you could use: PicoBuck LED Driver - COM-13705 - SparkFun Electronics

So i should be looking for some kind of Constant Current Driver that has a PWM control input then? I guess thats a starting point.

Did you see my link?

Just saw it. Its a option. Thank you