Hi. I'm trying to move from the SD.h library to the SdFat.h library and I'm having trouble getting started. I'm using a custom board that is based on an M0. It has a built in SD card which shares the SPI bus with a flash memory device. The following code works:
#include "SD.h"
//#include "SdFat.h"
//SdFat32 sd;
//File32 file;
#define Serial SerialUSB
#define SDselect 46 // (PA21) Chip select for SD card. Make this pin low to activate the SD card for SPI communication
#define SDon 45 // (PA06) Provides power to the SD via a high side mosfet. Make this pin low to power on the SD card
#define FlashCS 44 // (PA05) Chip select for flash memory. Make this pin low to activate the flash memory for SPI communication
// Try max SPI clock for an SD. Reduce SPI_CLOCK if errors occur.
void setup() {
pinMode(SDselect, OUTPUT); // Chip select pin for SD card must be an output
digitalWrite(SDselect, LOW); // turns on the SD card.
pinMode(SDon, OUTPUT); // Chip select pin for SD card must be an output
digitalWrite(SDon, LOW); // turns on the SD card.
pinMode(FlashCS, OUTPUT); // Chip select pin for SD card must be an output
digitalWrite(FlashCS, HIGH);
// Wait for USB Serial
while (!Serial) {
// Initialize the SD.
if (!SD.begin(SDselect)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed.");
} else {
Serial.println("Initialization OK");
void loop() {
But with this code initialization fails.
//#include "SD.h"
#include "SdFat.h"
SdFat32 sd;
File32 file;
#define Serial SerialUSB
#define SDselect 46 // (PA21) Chip select for SD card. Make this pin low to activate the SD card for SPI communication
#define SDon 45 // (PA06) Provides power to the SD via a high side mosfet. Make this pin low to power on the SD card
#define FlashCS 44 // (PA05) Chip select for flash memory. Make this pin low to activate the flash memory for SPI communication
// Try max SPI clock for an SD. Reduce SPI_CLOCK if errors occur.
void setup() {
pinMode(SDselect, OUTPUT); // Chip select pin for SD card must be an output
digitalWrite(SDselect, LOW); // turns on the SD card.
pinMode(SDon, OUTPUT); // Chip select pin for SD card must be an output
digitalWrite(SDon, LOW); // turns on the SD card.
pinMode(FlashCS, OUTPUT); // Chip select pin for SD card must be an output
digitalWrite(FlashCS, HIGH);
// Wait for USB Serial
while (!Serial) {
// Initialize the SD.
if (!sd.begin(SDselect)) {
Serial.println("initialization failed.");
} else {
Serial.println("Initialization OK");
void loop() {
Note that the only differences are the lines commented at the top, and changing the case of "SD.begin" to "sd.begin." What am I leaving out? Any ideas?