Help - Home automatic blasting box.

Hi guys,

I need your help with my home project. I builded blasting box for cleaning plastic parts. I would like build automatic blasting box with turn table for turn parts in this box and two axis where will be nozzle for blasting all part. Because I´m beginner in arduino world I can´t write program alone. Can you help me please?? I have Arduino Mega 2560 Ramps 1.4 drivers 2588 Lcd with encoder and three steppers motors Nema 17 from my old 3D printer. Because it will be must easy controll. I would like used three encoder for programing dimensions points where you can save actual position with button and next button you will can start all program with touch up points. I can´t find any program which was same what i need. Do you have some idea where i could find it?

Thank´s for your idea and I apologize for my english.

[color=red]W A R N I N G[/color] - this is relationship advice, not Arduino advice.

If your girlfriend doesn't have time for you, yet asks you to do her homework for her, you are being used.

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