(help) how to display output LCD from barcode scanner

Hi. i've already create coding for the barcode scanner to arduino and display on the serial monitor. but i want to output it to my 20x4 LCD. please take a look of my coding and what i need do to display barcode output to lcd. i also did refer to other coding like from oleg , shahrulnizam and many more but i still confuse how to do it. and most coding i refer are using 16x2 LCD.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#include <hidcomposite.h>
#include <hidescriptorparser.h>
#include <hidusagestr.h>

#include <HID.h> //Add to Oleg Mazurov code to Bar Code Scanner
#include <hiduniversal.h> //Add to Oleg Mazurov code to Bar Code Scanner
#include <usbhub.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <Usb.h>
#include <usbhub.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <hidboot.h>

USB Usb;
HIDUniversal Hid(&Usb); //Add this line so that the barcode scanner will be recognized, I use "Hid" below

class KbdRptParser : public KeyboardReportParser
void PrintKey(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key); // Add this line to print character in ASCII
virtual void OnKeyDown (uint8_t mod, uint8_t key);
virtual void OnKeyPressed(uint8_t key);

void KbdRptParser::OnKeyDown(uint8_t mod, uint8_t key)
uint8_t c = OemToAscii(mod, key);
if (c)
/* what to do when symbol arrives */
void KbdRptParser::OnKeyPressed(uint8_t key)
if(key!=19) Serial.print((char)key);
else Serial.println();
KbdRptParser Prs;

void setup()

if(Usb.Init()==-1) Serial.println("OSC did not start.");
else Serial.println("Barcode Ready");
Hid.SetReportParser(0,(HIDReportParser*)&Prs); //Change "Keyboard" for "Hid"

void loop()

Do you mean this output?

  if(key!=19) Serial.print((char)key);
 else Serial.println();

The the first line should show the character on the display, and the second line moves the display cursor to the begin of the line.